Describe a time when you found something that someone lost – IELTS Speaking Part 2,3

Describe a time when you found something that someone lost là đề Speaking Part 2 thuộc nhóm Describe an event. Trong đề này bạn sẽ phải kể về một lần bạn tìm lại được một vật bị thất lạc của người khác. Để triển khai ý hay cho để này, các bạn hãy cùng IELTS CITY tham khảo bài mẫu Part 2,3 sau kèm theo từ vựng hay liên quan nhé!

describe a time when you found something that somebody lost
Describe a time when you found something that someone lost – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2&3

1. Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe a time when you found something that someone lost.

You should say:

  • What it was Where and when it happened
  • What happened then

And explain how you felt about this experience

Tên đề tương tự: Describe a time when you picked up an item that someone else lost

Bài mẫu Describe a time when you found something that someone lost - IELTS Speaking Part 2
Bài mẫu Describe a time when you found something that somone lost – IELTS Speaking Part 2

Dàn ý:

I. Introduction

  • Briefly mention the time frame (several months ago)
  • Set the scene – a busy Saturday afternoon in a city park

II. Discovery of the Lost Item

  • Describe the discovery of a wallet on a bench
  • Mention the initial observations and contents of the wallet

III. Decision to Take Action

  • Explain the decision to examine the wallet
  • Discuss the identification of the owner through contact information

IV. Returning the Lost Item

  • Share the decision to return the wallet
  • Describe the arrangement to meet with the owner in the park

V. Reactions and Feelings

  • Discuss the owner’s relief and gratitude
  • Share personal feelings about the experience

VI. Reflection

  • Discuss the impact of the experience on personal awareness
  • Highlight the positive aspects of returning lost items

Bài mẫu:

Several months ago, I had a rather heartwarming experience when I found something that someone had lost. It was a busy Saturday afternoon, and I was strolling through a bustling park in the city. As I was walking near the playground, I noticed a wallet lying on a bench.

Curious and concerned, I picked up the wallet to examine its contents. It belonged to a young woman, and inside, I found various identification cards, credit cards, and a bit of cash. There was no one nearby, and it seemed like the owner had unknowingly left it behind.

I decided to take the responsibility of returning the lost wallet to its owner. Fortunately, I found a contact number on one of the cards, which I dialed immediately. A few moments later, I was able to speak with the relieved owner, who had just realized her wallet was missing. We arranged to meet at the park, and when we did, the look of gratitude on her face was truly priceless.

Returning the lost wallet not only made me feel a sense of fulfillment but also restored my faith in the kindness of strangers. It was a simple act, but the impact it had on the owner was significant. I could empathize with the distress one feels when losing something valuable, and being able to alleviate that distress was immensely gratifying.

This experience reinforced the importance of honesty and helping others in need. It reminded me of the positive ripple effect that small acts of kindness can have on individuals and the community as a whole. From that day on, I became more conscious of keeping an eye out for lost items, knowing the impact a simple act of kindness can have on someone’s day.

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Từ vựng highlight:

  1. Heartwarming (adj): Đầy ấm lòng
  2. Bustling (adj): Hối hả, nhộn nhịp
  3. Curious (adj): Tò mò
  4. Identification (n): Chứng minh nhân dân
  5. Relieved (adj): Nhẹ nhõm, an tâm
  6. Fulfillment (n): Sự hài lòng, trạng thái hạnh phúc
  7. Gratitude (n): lòng biết ơn
  8. Alleviate (v): Làm nhẹ bớt, giảm bớt
  9. Significant (adj): Quan trọng, đáng kể
  10. Conscious (adj): Tỉnh táo, ý thức

Bản dịch:

2. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3

2.1. What kinds of things do people often lose?

People often lose small items such as keys, wallets, and mobile phones. These are everyday essentials that are easily misplaced due to their portable nature. Additionally, people may also lose important documents, like passports or ID cards, which can be more challenging to recover.

Từ vựng:

  1. Essential (n): Đồ thiết yếu
  2. Misplace (v): Đặt sai chỗ, để lạc mất
  3. Challenging (adj): Thách thức, khó khăn
  4. Observant (adj): Tinh ý, quan sát tốt
  5. Overlook (v): Bỏ sót, bỏ qua


2.2. Why do some people easily find something lost by others?

Some individuals may be more observant and attentive to their surroundings, allowing them to notice items that others might overlook. Additionally, those with good organizational skills are often able to keep track of their belongings more effectively, reducing the likelihood of losing things in the first place.

Từ vựng:

  1. Observant (adj): Tinh ý, quan sát tốt
  2. Overlook (v): Bỏ sót, bỏ qua
  3. Organizational (adj): Liên quan đến tổ chức
  4. Effectively (adv): Một cách hiệu quả
  5. Likelihood (n): Khả năng xảy ra


2.3. Should parents teach children to return things?

Absolutely, parents play a crucial role in instilling values in their children, and teaching them to return things is an essential lesson in responsibility and consideration. By nurturing this habit, children learn the importance of empathy, respect for others’ property, and the positive impact of small acts of kindness.

Từ vựng:

  1. Consideration (n): Sự cân nhắc, xem xét
  2. Instill (v): Truyền đạt, gieo trong
  3. Crucial (adj): Quan trọng, chủ yếu
  4. Empathy (n): Sự đồng cảm
  5. Nurture (v): Nuôi dưỡng, phát triển
  6. Responsibility (n): Trách nhiệm

2.4. Why do some people like collecting things from the past?

People often find joy and nostalgia in collecting things from the past. These items may hold sentimental value, evoke memories, or represent a specific era or cultural period. Collecting can be a way for individuals to connect with history and preserve a sense of the past in their lives.

Từ vựng:

  1. Nostalgia (n): hoài niệm
  2. Sentimental (adj): Có tính cảm, đầy cảm xúc
  3. Preserve (v): Bảo quản, giữ gìn
  4. Evoke (v): Gợi lên, khơi dậy


2.5. Where can people collect things from the past?

People can collect things from the past through various means. Antique shops, flea markets, and auctions are popular places to find vintage items. Additionally, online platforms and social media groups dedicated to collectors provide opportunities for individuals to acquire and exchange items from different time periods.

Từ vựng:

  1. Antique (adj): Cổ
  2. Flea market (n): Chợ trời
  3. Vintage (adj): Cổ điển
  4. Exchange (v): Trao đổi


Mọi người có thể thu thập những thứ từ quá khứ thông qua nhiều phương tiện khác nhau. Cửa hàng đồ cổ, chợ trời và đấu giá là những nơi phổ biến để tìm mua đồ cổ. Ngoài ra, các nền tảng trực tuyến và các nhóm truyền thông xã hội dành riêng cho người sưu tập mang đến cơ hội cho các cá nhân mua và trao đổi các mặt hàng từ các khoảng thời gian khác nhau.

2.6. Do you think collecting things is a good habit?

Yes, I believe collecting things can be a positive and enriching habit. It allows individuals to appreciate history, culture, and craftsmanship. Moreover, collecting can serve as a form of self-expression and provide a sense of accomplishment. However, moderation is key to avoid excessive accumulation and clutter. When done responsibly, collecting can be a fulfilling and intellectually stimulating hobby.

Từ vựng:

  1. Enriching (adj): Làm giàu, làm phong phú
  2. Craftsmanship (n): Nghệ thuật thủ công
  3. Moderation (n): Sự điều độ, sự chừng mực
  4. Accumulation (n): Sự tích lũy
  5. Intellectually (adv): Một cách tri thức
  6. Clutter (n): Đồ rối, lộn xộn


Đề này được xuất hiện tại:

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