Để có thể ghi điểm trong kì thi IELTS, đặc biệt là kĩ năng Speaking, đòi hỏi thí sinh phải có sự chuẩn bị kĩ càng. Việc tham khảo & thực hành lại những đề thi thật, ngoài việc giúp bạn có cơ hội luyện tập trước, còn có tác dụng giải quyết một phần những vấn đề liên quan tới tâm lý phòng thi.
Cùng IELTS CITY tham khảo những Đề thi IELTS Speaking 2023 (Có kèm link bài mẫu trên tên đề) được cập nhật nhanh và đầy đủ nhất nhé!
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Toggle1. Tổng hợp đề thi thật IELTS Speaking năm 2023
Trước khi bắt đầu luyện đề , bạn có thể xem qua các bài hướng dẫn sau đây:
- Cách trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 1
- Cách trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2
- Cách trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 3
Đề thi IELTS Speaking tháng 12.2023
(Sẽ cập nhật)
Đề thi IELTS Speaking tháng 11.2023
Đề thi ngày 26.11.2023 COMPUTER BC Viettel Complex
Part 1:
- Living area
- friends
Part 2: Describe the type of clothes that you usually (like to) wear
You should say:
- What type (or style) of clothes
- Where you usually buy these clothes
- How often you buy them
- How you choose what to buy
And explain why you like this style of clothes.
Part 3:
- Do you think it’s good for people (such as school students) to wear uniforms?
- What do you think is the purpose of uniforms?
- Do you think it would be a good idea to let students design their own school uniform?
Đề thi ngày 20.11.2023 tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ.
Part 1:
- Work
- Robot
- Gift
Part 2: Describe a photo that makes you feel happy.
You should say:
- when and where you took the photo
- what the photo is like
- how often you look at the photo
And explain why it makes you feel happy.
Part 3:
- Do you think people take too many photos nowadays?
- Why do people like to post photos on social media?
- Do you think people take more photos now than before? Why? Or why not?
- What do people usually take pictures of? Why?
- Why do people want to become a professional photographer?
Đề thi ngày 09.11.2023 tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ.
Part 1:
- Healthy lifestyle
- Ambitious and dream
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you spent time with a child.
You should say:
- when and where it was
- who the child was
- what you did together.
and explain how you felt about it.
Part 3:
- Who will spend more time taking care of their children and why?
- The biggest difficulty when parents take care of a child?
- Do children today have many toys? What role do toys play?
- The way children now and children in the past play?
- Do digital era and electronic devices reduce children’s imagination?
Đề thi ngày 08.11.2023 tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng.
Part 1:
- Map
- Work/Study
Part 2: Describe a park or a garden in your city.
You should say:
- where it is and how often you go there
- who you often go there with
- what it is like
and explain why you like to visit it.
Part 3:
- Do you think sport among chilren and middle age are different?
- What do people go to the park for?
- Why do people like growing flowers, what are the benefits?
- Why do people grow vegetables instead of flowers?
- Why are vegetables bought in supermarkets of poor quality?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a park or a garden in your city
Đề thi ngày 07.11.2023 tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng.
Part 1:
- Hometown
- Maps
- Noise
Part 2: Describe an activity you recently took part in.
You should say:
- what activity it was
- why you took part in it
- how it was organised
and explain how you felt about participating in this activity.
Part 3:
- What interesting activities do young people like?
- Should young people take risks in those activities?
- Should the government ban dangerous recreational activities?
Đề thi ngày 05.11.2023 tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng.
Part 1:
- Study
- Running
- Tea and Coffee
- Transportation
Part 2: Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful.
You should say:
- where you can see it
- what it shows
- why you think it is useful
and explain how you feel about it.
Part 3:
- Why do people get annoyed when they see pop up advertisements when watching videos?
- Do you think people should buy unnecessary things?
- Why do you think people should not buy unnecessary things?
- Many people think advertising should not target children, what do you think?
- Do you think advertising has the ability to know many unknown things like music,…?
Đề thi IELTS Speaking Tháng 10.2023
Ngày 25.10.2023 – tại Nguyễn Đình Chiểu
Part 1: Home, exercise, gift.
Part 2: Describe an activity that made you feel tired.
You should say:
- When it happened
- Where it took place
- What the activity was
And explain why it made you feel tired.
Part 3:
- Does learning make people tired today?
- When do people usually feel tired?
- What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?
- What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and after exercising?
- How can people solve the problem of old people easily getting tired?
Ngày 23.10.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ, Cầu Giấy
Part 1: hometown, chatting with friends, movies.
Part 2: Describe an area of science that interests you (physics, biology, psychology,…).
You should say:
- What it is
- When you knew it
- How you learned it
And explain why you are interested in it.
Part 3:
- Why do you think some people claim scientists interfere too much with nature?
- Do you have anything against animal testing?
- Is scientific progress always for the greater good?
Ngày 22.10.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: your living area, your favorite day in a week.
Part 2: Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way.
You should say:
- What it is?
- What benefits has it brought?
- How does it influence people of different ages?
And explain how it changed people’s lives?
Part 3:
- What is the most helpful innovation at home?
- What household appliances make us lazy?
- What kind of invention can be used at school?
- Do you think Ai will replace human teachers? Why?
Ngày 21.10.2023 – tại IDP
Part 1: Study/work, Musical Instrument, Running.
Part 2: Describe a beautiful city.
You should say:
- where the city is
- how you know about the city
- what it is famous for
And explain why you think this city is beautiful.
Part 3:
- What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?
- Why do some people like to visit historical sites?
- How can people preserve historic cities and historic buildings?
- Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and historic buildings?
- Does historic preservation contradict economic development?
- What do you think will happen to historic buildings and places in the future? Why?
Ngày 20.10.2023 – tại IDP Phan Bội Châu
Part 1: fixing things, language.
Part 2: Describe a job that you think is interesting.
You should say:
- What it is
- How you knew it
- What skills it requires
And explain why you think it is interesting.
Part 3:
- What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?
- What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your country?
- When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their future careers?
Ngày 18.10.2023 – tại BC VTED
Part 1:
- Do you live in the city or the countryside?
- What do you like about it?
- Is it a good place for young people to live?
- What films do you like?
- Did you often watch films when you were a child?
- Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?
- Do you often go to the cinema with your friends? 5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?
- Do you often use maps?
- Do you use paper maps?
- How often do you use maps on your phone?
- Do you have maps at home?
Part 2: Describe a time you received bad service in restaurants/shops.
You should say:
- When it happened
- Why you went there
- What happened in the restaurants/shops
And explain why you think their service was bad.
Part 3:
- How do most people respond to bad services?
- Do you think services are better now than in the past?
- What kind of services are bad services?
- Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?
- Who should be responsible for bad services?
- What can employers do to improve the service that their employees provide
Ngày 15.10.2023 – tại VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: friends and wild animals
Part 2: Describe a new shop that has recently opened in your city/town.
You should say:
- Where the shop is
- What it sells
- Who goes to this shop
And explain how successful you think it will be in the future.
Part 3:
- What kinds of shops are popular in your city?
- Why do young people enjoy going to boutiques?
- Do you think location is the key factor that attracts customers?
- What is the difference between a small shop and a large shop?
- How important are price and quality in influencing consumer behavior?
- Why is cheap fashion so popular?
Ngày 14.10.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- What do you like about your hometown?
- What is special about your hometown?
- Do you like geography?
- Have you ever studied geography at school
Part 2: Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else.
You should say:
- What was the activity?
- Who you were with?
- When and where did it happen?
- Why you go for it?
And explain how you felt about it.
Part 3:
- What kinds of activities do young people like to do?
- Why do some young people like adventurous activities?
- Do you think old people would like to have changes?
- Why do you think some people like doing new things?
Ngày 14.10.2023
Part 1:
- Health
- Learning language
Part 2: Describe a sport you enjoy watching.
You should say:
- What it is
- Where you watch it
- Who you watch it with
And explain why you enjoyed watching the program.
Part 3:
- Which sport do you think most people like to do? And why?
- Do children need exercise?
- What are the benefits of exercise?
- What can be done to get children into sports?
- What sports programs do people like to watch in your country?
- What’s the difference between watching sports on TV and watching it live?
Ngày 13.10.2023 – tại IDP Phan Bội Châu
Part 1:
- Where do you live?
- What do you like about your hometown
- Is there anything special about your city?
- Do you think your hometown is a good place for young people?
- How do you feel about eating fish?
- Is there any fishing area in your hometown?
- Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish?
Part 2: Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work.
You should say:
- What the rule is about
- What happens when people break the rule
- Why you think it is an important rule
And explain how you feel about the rule.
Part 3:
- Is it important for children to follow their house rules?
- What rules should children follow at home?
- What are some rules you have to follow when taking public transportation?
Ngày 11.10.2023
Part 1: Hometown, Robot, Tea & coffee.
Part 2: Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful.
You should say:
- Where you can see it
- What it shows
- Why you think it is useful
Part 3:
- What do you think of online advertising?
- What do people usually buy?
- What is the difference between men and women when they buy things?
- Why do buying new things make people happy?
- Is this good or bad when people buy too many new things?
- Can people use advertising as entertainment?
Ngày 09.10.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: Job, map.
Part 2: Describe someone you know who is a good cook.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- How you know him or her
- What kinds of food he/she cooks
And explain why you think this person is good at cooking.
Part 3:
- Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?
- Is the food that people eat today different to the food that people used to eat in the past? If yes, in what ways has it changed?
- How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?
Ngày 08.10.2023 – tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1: Work/Study, Friends.
Part 2: Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life.
You should say:
- What the invention was
- What it can do
- How popular it is
And explain whether it is difficult or easy to use.
Part 3:
- What qualities do inventors have?
- Do you think only scientists can invent new things?
- What inventions do you think should be improved?
- Are there any other inventions that make the world better?
- Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
- Who should support and sponsor inventors? Governments or private companies?
Ngày 07.10.2023 – tại BC Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai
Part 1: Hometown, Gift, Helping others.
Part 2: Describe a part of your country that you find interesting.
You should say:
- Where it is
- How you got to know about it
- What it is famous for
And explain why you think it is interesting
Part 3:
- Is there a difference between city vs country life?
- Are there geographical differences by country?
- Why do young people like to live in the city?
- What criteria do people use to decide where to live?
- How do you feel about places where people still live and can still do tourism?
- So, in your opinion, how is the life of people in those areas?
Ngày 05.10.2023 – tại IDP HBT
Part 1: Your place, ice cream, lại wild animals.
Part 2: Describe a person who often helps others.
You should say:
- Who the person is
- How you know him/her
- What he/she does to help people
And explain how you feel about this person.
Part 3:
- How can children help their parents?
- Should children help each other in class?
- Should children participate in charity work during the school year or just on holidays?
Ngày 01.10.2023 – tại BC ĐÔNG Á HCM
Part 1: Work or study, Ice-cream, Wild animals.
Part 2: Describe a type of clothes you like.
You should say:
- what it is
- what it looks like
- how often you wear it
And explain why you like it so much.
Part 3:
- What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and old people in your country?
- Do you think students like to wear uniforms?
- When do people wear formal clothes?
Ngày 01.10.2023 – tại BC 66 KHÚC THỪA DỤ
Part 1: Dream and ambition
Part 2: Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life.
You should say:
- What the invention was
- What it can do
- How popular it is
And explain whether it is difficult or easy to use.
Part 3:
- What qualities do inventors have?
- Do you think only scientists can invent new things?
- What inventions do you think should be improved?
- Are there any other inventions that make the world better?
- Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
- Who should support and sponsor inventors? Governments or private companies?
Đề thi IELTS Speaking tháng 09.2023
Ngày 30.09.2023 – tại BC Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai
Part 1: hometown, cloth, film.
Part 2: Describe a famous business person that you know about.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- What kind of business this person is involved in
- What you know about this business person
And explain what you think of this business person.
Part 3:
- What kinds of people are most famous in your country today?
- Why are there so many stories about famous people in the news?
- Do you agree or disagree that many young people today want to be famous?
Ngày 29.09.2023 – tại BC Nguyễn Đình Chiểu HCM
Part 1: Home, chatting with friends, geography.
Part 2: Describe a sportsperson you admire.
You should say:
- Who the person is?
- What sport he or she does
- When did you first hear about this person?
And explain why do you admire him or her?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a sportsperson you admire
Part 3:
- Do young people in your nation like physical activity?
- How important do you see physical education classes will be? Why?
- To what extent do you believe children’s physical education programs influence their maturation?
- How often do Indians exercise, and what kinds of activities do they enjoy?
- What is the reason behind the scarcity of great athletes?
Ngày 27.09.2023 – tại NEU
Part 1:
- A place where you live
- Helping others
- Noise
Part 2: Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer.
You should say:
- when it happened
- where it happened
- what the problem was
And explain how you solved the problem at last.
Part 3:
- Difficulty using new products? What will they do to solve the problem?
- Should parents supervise the use of electronic devices? Why? What are the benefits of monitoring?
- Next part you ask should children use technology? I replied no, she asked Why?
- Why do people like new phone models? Why is there a new nanny that is no different from the old nanny?
Đề thi ngày 24.09.2023 – tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Where do you live?
- Clothes
- Geography
Part 2: Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- What he/she likes to cook
- Who he/she cooks for
And explain why he/she enjoys cooking
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others
Part 3:
- What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?
- Do you agree that food is an important part of Chinese festivals and ceremonies?
- Should students learn to cook at school?
- Do you think cooking should be a compulsory or an elective course? Why?
Đề thi ngày 23.09.2023 – tại IDP Hải Phòng
Part 1:
- Student or work
- Gift
- Helping others
Part 2: Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- How you know this person
- What interesting ideas/opinions he or she has
And explain why you think his/her ideas are interesting.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions
Part 3:
- When do children begin to have their own ideas?
- Why are there more and more differences between children and their parents these day?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?
Đề thi ngày 23.09.2023 – tại BC Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai
Part 1:
- Neighbors
- Rain
- Day off
- Holiday
Part 2: Describe a place you would like to visit in the future.
You should say:
- Where it is
- What it is like
- How you would travel there
And explain why you want to visit that place
Part 3:
- What kind of places are popular to visit in your country?
- Do you prefer to travel alone or with others? Why?
- Have you ever experienced any problems when traveling? What happened?
- Do you think it’s important to learn about the culture of the places you visit? Why or why not?
- How do you think technology has changed the way people travel?
- Why do you think so many young people travel these days?
Đề thi ngày 23.09.2023 – tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- City you live in
- Movies
- Running
Part 2: Describe an area of science that interests you.
You should say:
- What it is
- When you knew it
- How you learned it
And explain why you are interested in it.
Part 3:
- Besides biology, do you find any subjects interesting and why?
- Do you think schools should continue to teach science subjects until students graduate?
- What scientific fields does the world need to research today?
- Should the government or private companies invest in research? In the future will science develop at a faster rate than now?
Đề thi ngày 22.09.2023 – tại IDP Vinh
Part 1:
- Study
- Ice cream
- Teacher
Part 2: Describe a book you have read many times.
You should say:
- What the book is and what it is about
- Who it was written by
- How often you read it
And explain why you enjoy reading it.
Part 3:
- Is it beneficial for both parents to read books to their children?
- Do people read more books now than before?
Đề thi ngày 21.09.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1: area, rain, dreams.
Part 2: Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way.
You should say:
- What it is?
- What benefits has it brought?
- How does it influence people of different ages?
And explain how it changed people’s lives?
Part 3:
- What is the most helpful innovation at home?
- What household appliances make us lazy?
- What kind of invention can be used at school?
- Do you think Ai will replace human teachers? Why?
Đề thi ngày 19.09.2023 – tại BC VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Where study
- How do you travel to school?
- Comfortable or smart clothes
- Do you waste time choosing clothes every day?
- When you were a child, did you choose your own clothes?
- What do you do with old clothes
- What kind of films do you like
- Did you go to the cinema often when u were a child
Part 2: Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant or shop.
You should say:
- When and where it happened
- What happened
- How you dealt with it
And explain how you felt about the experience
Part 3:
- Which industry needs to focus on customer service the most?
- What ways are there to improve customer service?
- Is training a decisive factor in customer service?
- Why do people often encounter bad services nowadays?
- What impact do online shopping platforms have on customer service?
Đề thi ngày 18.09.2023 – tại Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: hometown, robots,…
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you had to wait a long time for someone.
You should say:
- Who or what you waited for
- Where you waited
- Why you waited (or, had to wait)
And explain how you felt while you were waiting
Part 3:
- On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?
- What do people do while waiting?
- Are most people patient while waiting?
- Do you like to wait for a long time? Why?
Đề thi ngày 17.09.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1: Hometown, fixing things, days of the week.
Part 2: Describe a town or a city you want to live in in the future.
You should say:
- Where it is?
- How do you know it?
- What is it famous for?
And why would you like to live there?
Part 3:
- Why do more and more people live in the city?
- What are some factors that attract people to settle down in certain places?
- What are the differences between the young and old when choosing where to live?
Đề thi ngày 17.09.2023 – tại BC VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: hometown, bags, wild animals.
Part 2: Describe a job that you think is interesting.
You should say:
- What it is
- How you knew it
- What skills it requires
And explain why you think it is interesting.
Part 3:
- What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?
- What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your country?
- When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their future careers?
Đề thi ngày 16.09.2023 – tại IDP Phan Bội Châu
Part 1: Study, Friends.
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information.
You should say:
- When you got it?
- How you got it?
- How you found it was incorrect?
And how did you feel about it?
Part 3:
- Why do some people not trust information on the Internet
- What jobs provide information to others?
- What’s the difference between email and phone in terms of providing information?
- How do people determine the accuracy of information?
- Why are there people who give better information than other people?
Đề thi ngày 16.09.2023 – tại IDP Hải Phòng
Part 1: hometown, running.
Part 2: Describe an advertisement you remember well.
You should say:
- Where you saw it
- What it was about
- What it was like
And explain why you remember it well.
Part 3:
- What makes an advertisement effective?
- What is the purpose of advertising?
- How have advertisements changed since you were a child?
Đề thi ngày 15.09.2023 – tại BC UAC Đội Cấn
Part 1: Work, musical instruments, movies.
Part 2: Describe a drawing or painting that you like.
You should say:
- When did you first see this painting?
- What is the painting about?
- Who drew/painted it?
And explain why you like this drawing/painting.
Part 3:
- What are the differences between painting and drawing?
- Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?
- How does building style affect people’s lives?
- Should children learn to draw and paint? Why?
Đề thi ngày 14.09.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1: Work or studies, Clothing, Gifts.
Part 2: Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work.
You should say:
- What the rule is about describe rule important school
- What happens when people break the rule
- Why you think it is an important rule
And explain how you feel about the rule
Part 3:
- Should schools have rules?
- Should schools decide how long the working hours should be?
- What kinds of rules do Indian families have?
- Do you think strict rules are needed in schools?
- Should students be involved in rulemaking?
Đề thi ngày 14.09.2023 – tại IDP NEU
Part 1: work or study, rainy day, day off.
Part 2: Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life.
You should say:
- What the invention was
- What it can do
- How popular it is
And explain whether it is difficult or easy to use.
Part 3:
- What qualities do inventors have?
- Do you think only scientists can invent new things?
- What inventions do you think should be improved?
- Are there any other inventions that make the world better?
- Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
- Who should support and sponsor inventors? Governments or private companies?
Đề thi ngày 13.09.2023 – tại BC UAC Nguyễn Đình Chiểu
Part 1: hometown, fish, chatting with friends.
Part 2: Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer.
You should say:
- When it happened?
- Where it happened?
- What was the problem?
And explain how you solved the problem at last?
Part 3:
- What do people use computers for?
- Should students be allowed to use computers at school?
- What do you think of people who are addicted to playing computers?
- Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex?
- Why do people often have problems when using new products?
Đề thi ngày 13.09.2023 – tại BC Hà Đông
Part 1: city, musical instrument, running.
Part 2: Describe an advertisement you remember well.
You should say:
- Where you saw it
- What it was about
- What it was like
And explain why you remember it well.
Part 3:
- What makes an advertisement effective?
- What is the purpose of advertising?
- How have advertisements changed since you were a child?
Đề thi ngày 11.09.2023 – tại UAC BC Nguyễn Đình Chiểu
Part 1: Study, Travel for business, give special gifts.
Part 2: Describe a positive change that you made in your life.
You should say:
- When it happened
- Where it happened
- What the change was
And explain how you have benefited from this change (or, explain how you feel about this change).
Part 3:
- What kind of events may be life-changing events?
- Do Vietnamese people change jobs very often? Do you think that’s good?
- Do you think young people can adapt to changes more easily than old people?
Đề thi ngày 10.09.2023
Part 1: where do you live với Chatting
Part 2: Describe an event that changed your life forever.
You should say:
- what the event was
- why it changed your life
- where and when it occurred
And explain who was with you when it happened.
Part 3:
- Can you describe an event that changed your life in a good way?
- Can you describe a significant event in your life and the impact that it had on you?
Đề thi ngày 09.09.2023
Part 1: hometown, chatting, movie.
Part 2: Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions.
You should say:
- who this person is
- how you know this person
- what interesting ideas/opinions he or she has
And explain why you think his/her ideas are interesting.
Đề thi ngày 09.09.2023 – tại BC Odin
Part 1:
- Clothes
- Tea and coffee
Part 2: Describe a part of your country that you find interesting.
You should say:
- Where it is
- How you got to know about it
- What it is famous for
And explain why you think it is interesting
Part 3:
- What are the advantages of living in the countryside?
- What are the disadvantages of living in the countryside?
- What kinds of people live in the countryside?
- What do people living in the countryside like to do?
- How has life changed over time in the countryside?
Đề thi ngày 08.09.2023 – tại BC VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: living place, ice cream, friends.
Part 2️: Describe a water sport you would like to try.
You should say:
- what the sport is
- where you would do it
- who you would like to do it with
And explain why what you think it would be like
Part 3:
- What do you think are the benefits of participating in water sports?
- Do you think water sports are safe? Why or why not?
- What types of water sports are popular in your country? Why do you think they are popular?
- Would you like to try an extreme water sport like skydiving or bungee jumping into water? Why or why not?
- How do you think climate change will affect water sports in the future?
Đề thi ngày 07.09.2023
Part 1: Fishing, where you live, noise.
Part 2: Describe an area of science that interests you.
You should say:
- What it is
- What you learn from it
- When you became interested in it
Explain how this area of science help you
Part 3:
- What’s the best invention in the past one hundred years?
- What’s the influence of science on human life?
- What can individuals do for scientific research?
- What influence can international cooperation in science bring about?
Đề thi ngày 05.09.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Are you a student or are you working?
- Why do you think your job is interesting?
- Do you think it often rains in your city?
- Do you like rain or dry weather?
- Do you prefer to live in a wet or dry place?
- Do you remember any primary school teacher?
- Do you want to be a teacher?
Part 2: Describe your dream house.
You should say:
- Where is your dream house located?
- What would it look like?
- When would you like to live in your dream house?
And explain why is this house perfect for you
Part 3:
- Do you think living in an old apartment is good and why?
- Why do you think living in an apartment is better than a house?
Đề thi ngày 03.09.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Do you have a job or are you currently a student?
- What do you like about your job?
- What do you think you need to improve to be better at your job?
- Can you remember your primary teacher?
- Do you have a favorite teacher?
- Did you want to be a teacher when you were young?
Wild life
- What kinds of wild animals are there in your country?
- Have you ever visited a zoo?
- Which wild animal would you like to see in real life?
Part 2: Describe a traditional holiday that you enjoy celebrating.
You should say:
- What is the name of the traditional holiday
- Whom do you celebrate it with
- What do you do in the holiday
And explain Why you enjoy that holiday
Part 3:
- What is another important holiday in your country beside Tet?
- Is the way people celebrated holidays in the past different from how people celebrate it now? How is it different?
- Does globalization make other countries more interested in one country’s culture?
- Is the final goal of countries working together is to blend the culture?
Đề thi ngày 02.09.2023 – tại IDP
Part 1: housing, apartment.
Part 2: Describe a crowded place you have visited.
You should say:
- Where is it?
- When did you go there?
- With whom you went there
Explain how you felt about being there.
Part 3:
- Do people like to go to crowded places? Why?
- How can the problem of traffic congestion be solved?
- What public facilities does your city have?
Đề thi ngày 01.09.2023 – tại Khúc Thừa Dụ Hà Nội
Part 1:
- Work
- Day off
- Healthy
Part 2: Describe an important decision you made.
You should say:
- What the decision was
- Where you were
- How you made the decision
And explain why it was difficult to make.
Part 3:
- How do you usually make important decisions in your life?
- Do you think it’s important to listen to other people’s opinions before making a decision? Why or why not?
- Do you think it’s better to make decisions based on logic or emotions? Why?
- What factors do you consider when making a big purchase decision, such as buying a car or a house?
Đề thi IELTS Speaking tháng 08.2023
Đề thi ngày 29.08.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Place where you live
- Small business
- Outer space and start
Part 2: Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax.
You should say:
- Where it is
- What it is like
- What you enjoy doing there
And explain why you feel relaxed at this place
Part 3:
- Why is it difficult for some people to relax?
- What are the benefits of doing exercise?
- Do people in your country exercise after work?
- What is the place where people spend most of their time in their home?
Ngày 29.08.2023 – tại BC VIETTEL
Part 1:
- Small business
- Jewelry
Part 2: Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young.
You should say:
- What it was
- Where you did it
- Who you did it with
And explain why you enjoyed it
Part 3:
- What do you do in your free time?
- Which activities do young people usually do these days? Are there any differences compared to the past?
- Why is going out for dinner with friends an effective way to relax?
- Do people need break time at schools or at the workplace?
- Do you think people these days have more or less break time?
Ngày 28.08.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: work or study, habit
Part 2: Describe a book you have read many times.
You should say:
- what the book is and what it is about
- who it was written by
- how often you read it
And explain why you enjoy reading it.
Part 3:
- Do you think it’s important for children to read books? Why or why not?
- Do you think reading books is better than watching movies? Why or why not?
- What benefits do you think reading books has for individuals?
- Do you think reading books can help people learn more about different cultures? Why or why not?
- Do you think people should read books that are difficult or challenging to understand? Why or why not?
Ngày 27.08.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Do you study or work?
- Why do you like your specialization?
- How many hours a week do you spend studying?
- What do you do to study?
- Are you an ambitious person?
Part 2: Describe a book that you have read many times.
You should say:
- When you read it for the first time?
- What kind of book is it?
- What is the book about?
And explain why you like to read it again.
Part 3:
- Is it good for children to read many books?
- Is reading books on screen nowadays more popular than paper?
- Is reading books nowadays more popular than the past?
Ngày 26.08.2023 – tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- How long have you lived in your hometown?
- What made you happy when you were a child?
Part 2: Describe an advertisement you don’t like.
You should say:
- What type of advertisement it is
- What product or service it advertises
- Where and when you first saw it
And explain why you don’t like it
Part 3:
- What kind of things advertise most in your country?
- Which one is more effective: newspaper advertising or online advertising?
Ngày 25.08.2023 – IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1: school, happy, business.
Part 2: Describe a piece of good news you received.
You should say:
- What it was
- When you heard it
- How you knew it
And explain how you felt about it.
Part 3:
- Why do people like posting on social media?
- Where do Vietnamese usually organize parties?
Ngày 24.08.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: Music, School, Small business.
Part 2: Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use.
You should say:
- When you got it
- What you got it for
- How often you use it
And explain how you feel about it.
Part 3:
- Why do big companies introduce new products so often?
- Why do many people find it difficult to use the latest technology?
Ngày 23.08.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: Work and study, space, jewelry.
Part 2: Describe a website that you often use.
You should say:
- what type of website it is
- how you found out about it
- what it allows you to do
And why you find it useful.
Part 3:
- What effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other?
- How do you think communicating by email is different from communicating by text message?
- Why do you think the Internet is being used more and more for communication?
Ngày 23.08.2023 – tại IDP NEU
Part 1: Work or study, fix things, friends.
Part 2: Describe an invention that has changed people’s life.
You should say:
- what it is
- how it is used
- who created it / when it was invented
And explain why this invention is important
Part 3:
- What invention do you think has had the greatest impact on people’s lives in your country?
- Do you think technology has improved our quality of life? Why or why not?
- What invention do you wish had never been invented and why?
- What invention would you like to see in the future?
- Have you ever invented something yourself? If so, what was it?
- How do you think technology and inventions will change the way we live in the future?
Ngày 22.08.2023 – tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1: Hometown, bags, ice cream.
Part 2: Describe a crowded place you have been to.
You should say:
- When you go there?
- Who did you go there with?
- Why did you go there?
And how did you feel about it?
Part 3:
- Do people like to go to crowded places? Why?
- How can the problem of traffic congestion be solved?
- What public facilities does your city have?
Ngày 21.08.2023 – tại BC Viettel HCM
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Small businesses
- Weekends
Part 2: Describe a place you would like to visit for a short time.
You should say:
- Where is that place
- Whom you will go there with
- What you will do there
And explain why you would like to visit for a short time.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a place you would like to visit for a short time
Part 3:
- Do people prefer planned travel?
- Why do places with historical attractions develop tourism more aggressively?
- Why do you think people usually travel?
- Why does living in tourist cities experience more noise?
Ngày 20.08.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
Work or Study
- How to approach the character?
- What is the topic I often write about?
- What did I learn from that job?
- How do I improve my professional skills every day?
Repair things
- Do you usually fix broken things yourself at home?
- Can you fix things like broken phones or clogged toilet drains?
- Do you think it’s necessary to learn how to fix things yourself?
- Who taught you to fix things from a young age?
- What do you usually do with your friends?
- How often do you guys see each other now?
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information.
You should say:
- When you got it?
- How you got it?
- How you found it was incorrect?
And how did you feel about it?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information
Part 3:
- How often do you check fake news on social media?
- In your opinion, is it more important to teach information-checking skills to students or to teach knowledge according to textbooks?
- In your opinion, is information easier to convey today than in the past?
Ngày 19.08.2023 – tại BC ODIN
Part 1:
- Wild animals
- Keeping healthy
- Studying
Part 2: Describe a famous person that you are interested in.
You should say:
- Who this person is?
- How do you know about this person?
- What sort of life did they have before they became famous?
- How did this person become famous and explain why you like this person?
Part 3:
- What type of people are famous in your country?
- How do people become famous nowadays?
- What is the difference between people who were famous earlier and who are famous now?
- What qualities do famous people have in common?
- What do you think about nepotism amongst famous people?
Ngày 18.08.2023 – tại BC UAC
Part 1:
- Stay healthy
- Work and study
- Bags
Part 2: Describe a water sport you would like to try.
You should say:
- what the sport is
- where you would do it
- who you would like to do it with
And explain why what you think it would be like
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a water sport you would like to try
Part 3:
- What do you think are the benefits of participating in water sports?
- Do you think water sports are safe? Why or why not?
- What types of water sports are popular in your country? Why do you think they are popular?
- Would you like to try an extreme water sport like skydiving or bungee jumping into water? Why or why not?
- How do you think climate change will affect water sports in the future?
Ngày 18.08.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: School, Stay up late, Keys.
Part 2: Describe a Person You Met At a Party Who You Enjoyed Talking With.
You should say:
- What party it was
- Who this person is
- What you talked about
And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her
Part 3:
- On what occasions would people be willing to get to know new people?
- Where would people get to know new people?
- How do people start a conversation?
- Is it difficult for Vietnamese people to communicate with people from other countries?
- Why are some people unwilling to have conversations with others?
Ngày 18.08.2023 – tại BC UAC
Part 1:
- Do you work or study?
- What are the things that you like about the place where you live?
- How long have you been living there?
- Are there many wild animals in your country?
- Do you like watching wild animals programs?
- Things you do with your friends?
- Is it hard to see your friends these days?
Part 2: Describe an expensive gift that you want to give someone if you save a lot of money.
You should say:
- what the gift is
- who you would buy it for
- where you would buy it
And explain why you would like to buy it.
Part 3:
- Is it better to teach children at home or at school?
- How to teach children to be better at home?
- Should the government now focus on education or healthcare?
- What do people usually care more about?
Ngày 16.08.2023 – tại BC UAC Nguyễn Đình Chiểu
Part 1: Work, study, days off, learning languages.
Part 2: Describe an expensive gift that you would like to give someone when you save a lot of money.
You should say:
- What the gift is
- Who you will give the gift to
- How long it will take to save the money
And explain why you would like to give the gift to this person
Part 3:
- Is saving important? Why?
- Saving is important, what about spending? Which is more important? Why?
- Should children spend money early? Why?
- Should children learn financial management at school or at home?
- What are the qualities of someone who is good at saving money?
Ngày 16.08.2023 – tại IDP
Part 1: Area, bags.
Part 2: Describe a time when you got lost.
You should say:
- When and where it happened
- Who was there with you
- How you felt when you got lost
And explain how you eventually found your way.
Part 3:
- Were maps more important in the past?
- Are map reading skills important?
- In this aspect, what is the role of technology?
Ngày 15.08.2023 – tại BC UAC
Part 1:
- Accomodation
- How long have you lived there?
- Chocolate
- Do you like eating chocolate?
- Did you give chocolate to someone as a gift?
- Did you like chocolate when you were a child?
- Why do you think it’s so popular?
- Weekends
Part 2: Describe something you achieved that made you feel proud.
You should say:
- What it was
- How you did it
- How difficult it was
And explain why you felt proud of it.
Part 3:
- Which is more important, personal goals or work goals?
- Have your life goals changed since your childhood?
- Does everyone set goals for themselves?
- Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at work?
Ngày 14.08.2023
Part 1:
- School
- Library
Part 2: Describe a historical period you would like to know more about.
You should say:
- When it was
- What you are interested in
- What you have learnt already
And explain why you would like to know more.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a historical period you would like to know more about
Part 3:
- Should everyone know about history?
- In what ways can children learn about history?
- Is it hard to protect historical buildings?
- How do museums teach people about history?
Ngày 13.08.2023 – tại IDP Võ Thị Sáu
Part 1: living area, what can you see from the window.
Part 2: Describe a live sport match that you have watched.
You should say:
- what it was
- when you watched it
- why you watched it
And how you felt about it.
Part 3:
- What is the difference between watching sports at home and at the game?
- What are the benefits of participating in sports?
- Are children participating in sports competitive?
- How to encourage people to cycle?
Ngày 13.08.2023 – tại Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai
Part 1:
- Work
- City
- School bag
- Animal/zoo
Part 2: Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/area.
You should say:
- where it is
- what it sells
- whether you think it will be successful
And explain if you would shop there or not.
Part 3:
- Is location crucial for shops?
- Would supermarkets replace small stores or street stores?
- Do people prefer to buy at street stores or small shops?
Ngày 12.08.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Work and Study
- Do you work or study?
- Wild animal
- Are there many wild animals in Vietnam?
- Is it important to protect wild animals?
- How can we protect wild animals?
- Living Place
- Where do you live?
Part 2: Describe a person who often helps others.
You should say:
- Who the person is
- How you know him/her
- What he/she does to help people
And explain how you feel about this person.
Part 3:
- Do you often help other people?
- How about your parents? Do you often help your parents?
- Do children like to help their parents to do housework?
- Do Vietnamese people like to help their parents to do housework?
- What are the benefits for children if they help their parents to do housework?
- How about their parents? Why?
Ngày 12.08.2023 – tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- Home
- Fix things
- Concentration
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child.
You should say:
- Who this child was
- When you spent time with this child
- What you did together
And explain how you felt about it.
Part 3:
- Do you think children should have a lot of toys?
- Do you think there are too many rules for children to follow, whether at school or at home?
- Do you think it’s necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?
Ngày 12.08.2023 – tại IDP Hải Phòng
Part 1: work or study, ambitions, rainy days
Part 2: Describe Another City You Would Like To Stay For A Short Time.
You should say:
- Where the city is
- Why you want to go there
- Whom you will go there with
- What you will do there
And explain why you will stay there
Part 3:
- Why do people sometimes go to other cities or other countries to travel?
- Why are historical cities popular?
- Why do places with historical sites develop the tourism industry more actively?
- Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?
- Do most people like planned traveling?
- Why is the noise pollution worse in tourism cities than in other cities?
Ngày 11.08.2023 – tại UAC BC
Part 1: study, dream and ambition, fixing things.
Part 2: Describe an expensive item that you bought and regretted.
You should say:
- What it was
- What it looked like
- Why you bought it
And explain why you think you spent more than expected.
Part 3:
- What kind of expensive things do people like to buy?
- What is the difference between men and women buying things?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of being rich?
Ngày 10.08.2023 – tại IDP Hải Phòng
Part 1: Hometown , Fix things và Ambitions.
Part 2: Describe a movie you watched that made you feel disappointed.
You should say:
- What it was
- When you watched it
- Who you watched it with
And explain why you felt disappointed
Part 3:
- Do you believe in movie reviews?
- What movies do people in your country like to watch?
- Are historical films popular in your country? Why?
- Do you think films with famous actors or actresses are more popular?
Ngày 09.08.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- School
- Fixing things
- Week
Part 2: Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place for the first time.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- Why this person moved into his/her new home
- What kind of home/accommodation this person moved to
And explain whether you think this move was a positive change for this person.
Part 3:
- Why do some young people keep moving?
- What’s the difference between living alone and living with roommates?
- Is it positive for young people to live by themselves?
- Besides cooking, are there any other skills that people need to learn if they live on their own?
- What kinds of people tend to live by themselves?
Ngày 09.08.2023 – tại BC Đô Nghĩa
Part 1: school, ice cream, friends.
Part 2: Describe a favorite sport which you like to watch.
You should say:
- What it is
- When you watch it
- How you watch it
And explain why you like watching it.
Part 3:
- Do kids today compete a lot when it comes to sports?
- What are the benefits of joining a sports team?
- How to encourage people to participate in sport?
- Is the government paying too much for athletes?
- Should sports be advertised?
Ngày 08.08.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: friends, neighborhood, wild animals.
Part 2: describe a job you think is interesting to do.
You should say:
- What job it is
- What people do in that job
- Where you heard or read about it
And explain why you think it would be interesting work to do
Ngày 06.08.2023
Part 1: Ambition vs Neighborhood.
Part 2: Describe a car journey that you went on.
You should say:
- where you went
- what you did there
- who you went on the journey with
And explain how you felt about the journey
Part 3:
- What is the most common mode of transport in your city, and why do people prefer it?
- Do you think people should be encouraged to use public transport more? Why or why not?
- Have you ever experienced a serious traffic jam? How did it affect your mood and daily routine?
- What do you think are the pros and cons of driving a car instead of using public transport?
Ngày 06.08.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1: Home, living space, wild animals, concentration.
Part 2: Describe a happy childhood event you remember.
You should say:
- what it is
- when it happened
- how you felt at the time
And explain why you remember this particular occasion.
Part 3:
- How do childhood experiences contribute to a person’s overall happiness in adulthood?
- In what ways can happy childhood memories impact a person’s emotional well-being?
- Do you think it’s important for parents to create opportunities for their children to have memorable experiences? Why or why not?
- Can you discuss any long-term effects of positive childhood experiences on family relationships?
Ngày 05.08.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- What work do you do?
- What changes do you wanna make in your school? Why?
- Do you think your school is a good one? Why?
- Do you like traditional or modern arts? Why?
- Do you want to be an artist?
- Do you draw often?
- Do you want to visit museums?
- What did you do last weekend? Why?
Part 2: Describe an unusual meal you had.
You should say:
- Who you were with
- Where you went
- When it happened
- Why it was unusual
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an unusual meal you had
Part 3:
- In general, how is the food in Vietnam?
- What’s the same about food in Vietnam?
- What are the pros and cons of imported food?
Ngày 05.08.2023 – tại BC Đô Nghĩa
Part 1:
- Does it rain much in your city? Why?
- Would you like to live in a dry or wet place?
- Would you change your plan if it rained?
- Do you work or study?
- What subjects do you like?
- How much time do you spend on your studies each week?
- What do you do to improve your study?
Day off:
- When was the last time you had a few days off?
- What do you usually do when you have days off?
- Do you usually spend your day off with your parents or your friends?
- What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?
Part 2: Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home in the future.
You should say:
- Where it would be
- When you would like to go there
- What you would do there
- Who you would go with
And explain why you would like to visit the place
Part 3:
- Where do people usually travel on holidays?
- Why do some people think it is enjoyable to stay at home on holidays?
- Why do young people prefer traveling in their country?
Ngày 05.08.2023 – tại IDP NEU
Part 1: Work or study, happy weekends.
Part 2: Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution.
You should say:
- Where it is
- When you visited this place
- What kinds of pollution you saw there
And explain how this place was affected
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution
Part 3:
- In what ways can air pollution be reduced effectively?
- What are the differences between people living in the clean air and others?
- What can individuals do to prevent air pollution?
- Why are there places that have polluted air and there are places that don’t?
- Do you agree with the statement that companies will only protect the environment if they are forced to do so?
Ngày 04.08.2023 – tại NEU
Part 1: outer space, area you live, weekends.
Part 2: Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire.
You should say:
- Who this actor/actress is
- When you saw the film
- What the character was like in this film
And explain why you admire this actor/actress
Part 3:
- What are the differences between actors/actresses who earn much and those who earn little?
- Why do children like special costumes?
- What can children learn from acting?
Ngày 03.08.2023 – tại Hai Bà Trưng TPHCM
Part 1: study, fixing things and days-off.
Part 2: Describe an expensive gift that you want to give someone if you save a lot of money.
You should say:
- what the gift is
- who you would buy it for
- where you would buy it
And explain why you would like to buy it.
Part 3:
- What is your opinion about the role of money in people’s lives?
- Do you think it is more important to save or to spend money? Why?
- In your country, what is the most popular way people save their money?
- Do you think money can buy happiness?
- What are some ways people waste their money?
- How do you think people’s attitudes towards money have changed over the years?
Đề thi IELTS Speaking tháng 07.2023
Ngày 30.07.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Area
- Job
- Concentration
- Ambition
Part 2: Describe a book that you read more than once.
You should say:
- What the book is and what it is about
- Who it was written by
- How often you read it
And explain why you enjoy reading it.
Part 3:
- Is it good to read books and do you often read books?
- If children don’t read, will it have any impact?
- Should parents read books with their children and what are the benefits?
- Government should encourage reading to agree or disagree? why?
Ngày 29.07.2023 – tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- Work & study
- Ice Cream
- Learning Languages
Part 2: Describe a water sport you would like to try.
You should say:
- What the sport is
- Where you would do it
- Who you would like to do it with
And explain why you think it would be like.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a water sport you would like to try.
Ngày 28.07.2023 – tại COMPUTER-BASED IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Area where you live
- Chocolate
- Stay up late
Part 2: Describe an interesting old person you met.
You should say:
- Who the person was
- How you met that person
- Where you met him or her
And explain why you find them interesting.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an interesting old person you met
Part 3:
- Do you think old people and young people can share interests?
- What can old people teach young people?
- What can young people teach the old?
Ngày 27.07.2023 – tại computer-based BC HCM
Part 1:
- What is it like to live in the area?
- Does it rain where you live?
- You make it on a rainy day?
- What do you want to improve there?
Part 2: Describe a place you have been to where there were lots of people.
You should say:
- Where it is
- Who you were with
- What people were doing there
And explain why there were lots of people.
Ngày 25.07.2023
Part 1:
- The place you live
- Outer Space and Stars
- Music
- Library
Part 2: Describe a website that you often use.
You should say:
- What type of website it is
- How you found out about it
- What it allows you to do
And why you find it useful.
Part 3:
- What kind of website do people visit?
- Are games used to help students learn?
- Can the game be considered supportive?
Ngày 23.07.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Friends
- Learning languages
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you spent time with a child.
You should say:
- When and where it was
- Who the child was
- What you did together.
And explain how you felt about it.
Part 3:
- Do you think that parents should make all decisions for their children?
- At what age do you think children can be trusted to make their own decisions?
- What are some of the biggest challenges that parents face when raising children?
- Do you think that parents today face different challenges than parents did in the past? Why or why not?
- What do you think are some of the most important things that parents can do to help their children grow up to be responsible and successful adults?
- In your opinion, what are some of the most effective discipline techniques for children?
Ngày 22.07.2023 – tại NEU
Part 1:
- The area where you live.
- Music.
- Outer space.
Part 2: Describe an unusual meal you had.
You should say:
- When you had it?
- Where you had it?
- Whom you had it with?
And explain why it was unusual.
Ngày 22.07.2023 – tại COMPUTER IDP Hạ Long
Part 1:
- Are you a student?
- Is your school popular?
Part 2: Describe a faraway place that you would like to visit.
You should say:
- What place is it?
- Where is it located?
- How would you go there?
And explain how you would feel when you visit?
Ngày 22.07.2023 – tại IDP Đà Nẵng
Part 1: Living area, ambition, keeping healthy.
Part 2: Describe an expensive gift that you want to give someone if you save a lot of money.
You should say:
- What the gift is
- Who you would buy it for
- Where you would buy it
And explain why you would like to buy it.
Part 3:
- Should children be given money?
- In Vietnam, do parents often give money to their children?
- Do children learn about money management at home or at school?
- Should schools teach children about money?
- Spending vs saving, which is better?
- What do young people usually save money for?
- Does money bring happiness?
Ngày 21.07.2023 – tại COMPUTER-BASED IDP HCM
Part 1:
- Home/ Accommodation.
- T-Shirt.
- Stay up late.
Part 2: Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something.
You should say:
- Who you taught
- What you taught
- How the result was.
Park 3:
- What practical skills can young people teach old people?
- What skills can young people teach old people besides technology?
- How can young people teach old people skills?
- How can we know what to do when we want to learn something new?
Ngày 21.07.2023 – Tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- Area where you live
- Library
- Art
Part 2: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.
You should say:
- When did you get it?
- What did you get it for?
- How often do you use it?
- How do you feel about it?
Part 3:
- Why do big companies introduce new products so often?
- Why do many people find it difficult to use the latest technology?
Ngày 21.07.2023 – tại IDP NEU
Part 1: Work, Language, Ambition
- Student or work?
- What do you like most about your work?
- What to do to achieve work efficiency?
- Why did you choose to do that job?
- What language do you study at school?
- Why do you like that language?
- What did you love to do when you were a kid?
- Are you ambitious?
Part 2: Describe a happy experience from your childhood that you remember.
You should say:
What is that happy memory?
Who did what and why?
Why do you remember it so fondly?
Part 3:
- What are the earliest human memories?
- Why do some people remember memories more than others?
- Is it important to review memories with you?
- Do people learn from past successes or failures?
- Is it important for people to learn about the past?
Ngày 19.07.2023 – tại IDP COMPUTER BASED Đà Nẵng
Part 2: Describe a movie you watched that made you feel disappointed.
You should say:
- What it was
- When you watched it
- Who you watched it with
And explain why you felt disappointed
Part 3:
- What is the difference between watching a movie at home and in the theater?
- Movie genre famous in Vietnam?
- Do actors get paid too much?
- Are movies without famous actors worth watching?
- Should I read movie reviews before watching?
Ngày 17.07.2023 – tại UAC Nguyễn Đình Chiểu
Part 1:
- Accommodation
- Wild animals
- Day-off
Part 2: Describe your ideal house.
You should say:
- where it is
- what it looks like
- when you would like to live in
And explain why you would like to live in it
Ngày 16.07.2023 – tại EFL
Part 1:
- Study
- concentrate
- friends
Part 2: Describe a movie you watched that made you feel disappointed
You should say:
- What it was
- When you watched it
- Who you watched it with
And explain why you felt disappointed
Part 3:
- Do you believe in movie reviews?
- What movies do people in your country like to watch?
- Are historical films popular in your country? Why?
- Do you think films with famous actors or actresses are more popular?
Ngày 15.07.2023 – tại BC
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Ice-cream
Part 2: Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about.
You should say:
- What this film is about
- Who you watched it with
- Why you decided to watch it
And explain why you felt disappointed about it
Part 3:
- Do you believe movie reviews?
- What are the different types of films in your country?
- Are historical films popular in your country? Why?
- Do you think films with famous actors or actresses would be more popular?
- Why are Japanese animated films so popular?
- Should the director pay a lot of money to famous actors?
Ngày 15.07.2023 – tại VTED BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Work/study
- Small business
Part 2: Describe one of your best friends.
You should say:
- What this person looks like
- When and where you met this person
- What you do when you are together
And explain why he/she is one of your best friends
Ngày 14.07.2023 – tại NEU
Part 1:
The area you live in
- Do you like the area that you live in?
- Where do you like to go in that area?
- What are some changes in the area recently?
Ice cream
- Do you like ice cream?
- Did you eat ice cream as a child?
- Would you like to make your own ice cream?
- Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
- What were your primary school teachers like?
- Do you remember one of your teachers?
Part 2: Describe an interesting job you want to have in the future.
You should say:
- What the job is
- How you learned about this job
- What skills this job requires
And explain why you would like to do this job
Part 3:
- What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?
- What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in our country?
- Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills?
Ngày 12.07.2023
Part 1: Do you work or study?
Part 2: Describe your ideal house.
You should say:
Where it is
What it looks like
When you would like to live in
And explain why you would like to live in it
Ngày 10.07.2023 – tại BC HCM
Part 1:
- Living area
- Wild animals
- Teachers
Part 2: Describe a game you enjoyed playing when you were younger.
You should say:
- What it was
- Where and when you played it
- How you played it
And explain why you enjoyed playing it.
💬 Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a game you enjoyed playing when you were younger
Part 3:
- Do you think all people care about prizes when taking part in a competition?
- Is it good for people to enter a competition?
- Is it a good thing to give prizes to people who won a competition? Why?
- Are people born competitive?
- Why is competition good when doing business?
Ngày 09.07.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- work/study
- staying up late
- outer space
Part 2: Describe a time when you taught a friend/ relative something.
You should say:
- Who you taught
- What you taught
- How the result was.
Part 3:
- What practical skills can young people teach old people?
- What skills can young people teach old people besides technology?
- How can young people teach old people skills?
- How can we know what to do when we want to learn something new?
Ngày 08.07.2023 – tại IFP NEU
Part 1:
- Work & study
- Fixing things
- Learn foreign languages
Part 2: Describe a sport you enjoy watching.
You should say:
- What it is
- Where you watch it
- Who you watch it with
And explain why you enjoyed watching the program.
Part 3:
- The most favorite sport in your country?
- Why do they like that sport?
- Why do some people dislike watching sport?
- What ways to encourage them to watch sports?
- Difference between watching sport at home or outside?
- Playing sports makes children more competitive, what do you think?
Ngày 07.07.2023
Part 1:
- Living place
- Concentration
Part 2: Describe your ideal house.
You should say:
- Where it is
- What kind of accommodation it is
- What furniture there is
Explain why you would like to live in it.
Part 3:
- What kinds of houses are popular in your country?
- What are the disadvantages of living in an old house?
- Is a place important to people? How?
Ngày 06.07.2023
Part 1:
- House
- Dream job
Part 2: Describe a time when you gave advice to someone.
You should say:
- When it was
- To whom you gave the advice
- What the advice was
And explain why you gave the advice
Part 3:
- Do you think in the future, people will get more advice from computers than humans?
- Why is receiving advice from professionals expensive?
- How do professionals receive advice?
Ngày 05.07.2023 – tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- work or study
- weekends
- library
Part 2: Describe an interesting old person you met.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- When/where you met this person
- What you did
And explain why you think this person is interesting.
Ngày 03.07.2023 – tại BC – VTED Hà Nội
Part 1:
- Study
- Jewelry
- Small business
Part 2: Describe something that you did with someone or a group of people.
You should say:
- What it was?
- Who did you do it with?
- How long did it take you to do this?
And explain why you did it together?
Part 3:
- How does Neighborhood help each other?
- How do parents teach their children to help others?
Ngày 02.07.2023 – tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Work or Study
- Health
- Rain.
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information.
You should say:
- When you got it?
- How you got it?
- How you found it was incorrect?
And how did you feel about it?
💬 Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information
Part 3:
- What kind of professions are related to giving information to others?
- What is the difference between giving information by phone and email?
- How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?
- Do people trust information online?
Ngày 02.07.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Live area
- Weekend
- Teacher
Part 2: Describe your favorite clothes.
You should say:
- What is it like?
- Who gave it to you or where you bought it?
- How often do you wear it?
Explain how you feel about it or why you enjoy wearing it?
Part 3:
- How much time do you spend shopping?
- Outside of work, do people wear formal clothes anywhere? Why ?
- Compare the style of young people with old people?
- Benefits of wearing uniform at primary school
- Should companies require employees to wear formal clothes?
Ngày 01.07.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Concentrate
- Public transport
- Area you live
- Fixing things
Part 2: Describe a car journey that you went on.
You should say:
- where you went
- what you did there
- who you went on the journey with
And explain how you felt about the journey
Part 3:
- What jobs require driving?
- What is the best age to learn to drive?
- Should you learn to drive at school?
- What do you think needs to be improved in the public transport system?
Đề thi IELTS Speaking tháng 06.2023
Ngày 30.06.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
- Ice- cream
- Wild- animals
- Area where you leave
Part 2: Describe a time when you got lost.
You should say:
- When and where it happened
- Who was there with you
- How you felt when you got lost
And explain how you eventually found your way.
Part 3:
- Is it easy for strangers to get lost when they come to where you live?
- How does the lost person feel?
- What do they do when they get lost?
- Is it easier for young people to use devices to find their way than old people? Why do you think so?
Ngày 30.06.2023 – tại IDP HAI BÀ TRƯNG
Part 1:
- Neighbor
- Keys
- Home
Part 2: Describe an interesting old person you have met.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- When/where you met this person
- What you did with this person
And explain why you think this person is interesting
Ngày 24.06.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Wild animals
- Staying healthy
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information.
You should say:
- When you got it
- How you got it
- How you found it was incorrect
And how you felt about it
💬Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information
Part 3:
- What kinds of people often give give information?
- What’s the difference between sending information through call and sending emails? Is it easier to send emails or to call?
- How to know if the information is accurate?
- Why are big media companies are more trustworthy?
- Why there are people don’t trust news by big companies? News by government,…?
- Why people don’t trust news on social media?
Ngày 23.06.2023 – Tại BC CMT8 (Computer-based)
Part 1:
- Neighborhood
- Ice cream
- Rain
Part 2: Describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new accommodation for the first time
You should say:
- Who he/she is?
- What the new place is like?
- Why he/she moved to a new place?
And explain whether his or her move has a positive impact on you.
Part 3:
- Why young people move to a own accommodation?
- Is there any other reasons besides that?
Ngày 21.06.2023 – Tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- Area where u live
- Ice cream
- Wild animal
Part 2: Describe a game that you play when you was young
You should say:
- what it was
- where and when you played it
- how you played it
And explain why you want enjoyed playing it.
Part 3:
- Are games important for children’s development? Why or why not?
- What is the most popular game in your country? Why do you think it is so popular?
- Do you think games can help people relax and relieve stress? Why or why not?
- Have you ever played a video game that you became obsessed with? What was it and why did you like it?
Ngày 20.06.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Concentration
- Schoolbag
- Home/accommodation
Part 2: Describe a happy childhood event you remember
You should say:
- What it is?
- When did it happen?
- How did you feel at the time?
💬 Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a happy experience in your childhood that you remember well
Part 3:
- What do you think is the most important memory for children?
- What should adults remember?
- How can we improve our memories?
- What can help us to remember our childhood memories?
- Why do you think some people can remember things easily?
Ngày 18.06.2023 – Tại BC VTED
Part 1:
- Jewelry
- Work
- Study
Part 2: Describe someone you would like to study or work with.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- How long you have known this person
- What you have done together
and explain why you would like to study/work with this person.
Part 3:
- What kinds of co-workers do people like to work with?
- Which one is more important to you at work, development in work-related skills or recognition from your supervisors?
- Do you think managers should be friends with their subordinates?
Ngày 15.06.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Hometown
- Where you live
- Small business
- Weekend
Part 2: Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young
You should say:
- What it was
- Where you did it
- Who you did it with
And explain why you enjoyed it.
Part 3:
- Is it important to have a break during work or study?
- What sports do young people like to do now?
- Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago?
Ngày 12.06.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- How long have you lived where you are living now?
- What do you like about it?
- Do you want to change anything about it?
- What did you want to do when you were a child?
- What do you want to do in the future?
- What are your career ambitions or goals?
- What were your ambitions when you were a child?
- When was the last time you have a day off?
- What do you do on your day off?
- Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?
- If you have a day off tomorrow, what will you do?
Part 2: Describe an expensive gift that you want to give someone if you save a lot of money
You should say:
- What the gift was
- Who you gave it to
- Why you gave it
And explain whether this person liked the gift or not.
Part 3:
- What do young people like to save money to buy?
- Is it better to spend money or save money?
- Should parents give money to children?
- Should country spend money on education or hospital?
- Should country spend money on art?
Ngày 11.06.2023 – IDP Hai Bà Trưng (Computer-based)
Part 1:
Work and Study:
- Do you work or study?
- Your major?
- What do you want to do in the future?
Dreams and Ambition:
- What was your childhood dream?
- Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?
- What is your dream job?
- Do you think you are an ambitious person?
- What kind of bag would you use when travelling?
- Did you use a backpack when you were a child?
- Do you usually carry a bag?
Part 2: Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy.
- What is it?
- Who do you usually celebrate with?
- What you you usually do to celebrate?
And explain why you enjoy it?
Part 3:
- Is it important for children to learn the traditional festival at school?
- Do you think children like to study about traditional festivals?
- Do you think food and music are important for celebrations?
- Do you think that traditional festivals are different compared to the past?
Ngày 11.06.2023 – Tại BC Hà Đông
Part 1:
- Study
- Ice-cream
- Subjects
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child
You should say:
- Who this child was
- When you spent time with this child
- What you did together
And how you felt about it.
Part 3:
- Do you think children should have a lot of toys?
- Where do children usually play?
- Do you think there are too many rules for children to follow, whether at school or at home?
- Do you think children should follow all the rules?
- Do you think it’s necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?
Ngày 10.06.2023 – Tại BC Viettel
Part 1:
- School
- Day-off
Part 2: Describe a crowded place you have been to
You should say:
- When you went there?
- Who you went there with?
- Why did you go there?
And how you felt about it?
Part 3:
- Do people like to go to crowded places? Why?
- How can the problem of traffic congestion be solved?
- What public facilities does your city have?
Ngày 10.06.2023 – BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- School
- sport
- outer space
Part 2: Describe an unusual meal you had.
You should say:
When you had it
Where you had it
Whom you had it with
And explain why it was unusual.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an unusual meal you had
Part 3:
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?
- Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?
- Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends?
- What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together?
- Do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days, compared to the past?
Ngày 09.06.2023 – Tại IDP Triệu Việt Vương
Part 1: Work or study
- How much time do you spend for your work?
- How do you improve your knowledge?
- What do you like about your job?
- Have you known your friends for long time?
- Do you find difficult to spend time with your friends?
- Was it easy for you to concentrate when you were small?
Part 2: Describe a book you have recently read.
You should say:
- what kind of book it is
- what it is about
- what sort of people would enjoy it
And explain why you liked it.
Part 3:
- What should parents do to encourage their children to read books?
- Why do adults still have to read books?
Ngày 08.06.2023 – IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
Work or Study
Part 2: Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future.
You should say:
- What is it
- Where you will do it
- Whether it is easy or difficult
- Why would you like to try it
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future
Part 3:
- Which is the most popular water sport in your country?
- Why do people like to do things near water?
- Do you think schools should teach students to swim and why?
- Are there many schools teaching swimming?
- Do you think it is necessary for everyone to learn to swim?
- Do you think the government should spend money on developing facilities for water sports?
Ngày 05.06.203
Part 1:
- School
- Exercise
- Teacher
Part 2: Describe a favorite sport which you like to watch.
You should say:
- What it is
- When you watch it How you watch it
And explain why you like watching it.
Part 3:
- What sports are popular in your country? What do you think of expensive sports?
- What kinds of sports are popular in your country now, but weren’t popular 20 years ago?
- Do you think people should be encouraged to try some of these extreme sports?
Ngày 02.06.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Hometown
- Environment
- Art
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information
You should say:
- when it happened
- what the information was
- how you learned the information was incorrect
And explain how you felt about the experience
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information
Part 3:
- Children should learn to distinguish fake and real answer or just learn the fact?
- Jobs need to give information?
- Doctors should give an important information via emails or phone calls?
- Online information is wrong or right? How to know?
Đề thi IELTS Speaking tháng 05.2023
Ngày 28.05.2023
Part 1:
- Areas
- Music
- Hapiness
Part 2: Describe a website you visit regularly
You should say:
- What it is about
- How you found out about it
- How often you visit it
And explain why you often visit it
Part 3:
- What are the most popular apps in VietNam?
- What’s the difference between the Internet and television?
- Why do people like to read the news on the Internet instead of on TV?
- Is the library still necessary? Why?
Ngày 27.05.2023 – Tại BC Hà Đông
Part 1:
- Home and accomodation
- School
- Drawing
- Staying up late
Part 2: Describe a historical period you want to learn more
You should say:
- what the historical period is
- how you know it
- what happened during that period
and say why you find it interesting
Part 3:
- In what ways can children learn history?
- Is it hard to protect historical buildings?
Ngày 26.05.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Area you live in
- Art
- Sport
Part 2: Describe a gift you recently gave to someone.
You should say:
- who you gave it to
- what kind of person he/she is
- what the gift was
- what occasion the gift was for
And explain why you chose that gift.
Part 3:
- In your country, when (on what occasions) do people give gifts to others?
- What sorts of things do they give?
- Do people today still give the same kinds of gifts that people used to give, many years ago?
- Why do people like to receive gifts?
Đăng ký nhận tư vấn miễn phí
Ưu đãi học phí lên đến 40%
& Tặng 100% lệ phí thi IELTS
Đăng ký nhận tư vấn miễn phí
Ưu đãi học phí lên đến 40%
Chào mừng ngày 8-3
Ngày 24.05.2023 – Tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- Area you live
- Friends
- Ice-cream
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information
You should say:
- When are you informed?
- What had happened?
- How it affects you?
And explain how did you feel about that.
Part 3:
- What kind of professions are related to giving information to others?
- What is the difference between giving information by phone and email?
- How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?
- Do people trust the information online?
Ngày 24.05.2023 – Tại VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ (computer-based)
Part 1:
- Hometown
- Ice cream
Part 2: Describe a perfect house you want
You should say:
- Where you are living now
- Where you want to live
- What kind of home is your dream home
And explain why you think it is your dream home.
Part 3:
- What kind of apartment is the most popular in your country?
- What are the differences between the houses that young people and old people live in?
Ngày 23.05.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Work or Study
- Fix things
- Friends
Part 2: Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about
You should say:
- What this film is about
- Who you watched it with
- Why you decided to watch it
And explain why you felt disappointed about it
Part 3:
- Do famous actors have an impact on movies?
- Does the older generation like animation movies?
- Why are Japanese animation movies so popular?
Ngày 22.05.2023 – Tại VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Fixing things
- Wild animals
- Study
Part 2: Describe your ideal house
You should say:
- where it is
- what it looks like
- when you would like to live in
And explain why you would like to live in it.
Tham khảo bài mẫu Describe your ideal house
Part 3:
- What kind of apartment is the most popular in your country?
- What are the differences between the houses that young people and old people live in?
- What are the differences between houses and apartments?
Ngày 21.05.2023 – Tại BC Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai (Computer-based)
Part 1:
- Where are you living?
- How was it?
- What thing you would like to change?
- Is it rain much in your country?
- Prefer dry or wet weather?
Wild animal
Are there wild animal in your country?
Do you enjoy visiting to the zoo?
Which wild animal would you like to see?
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information
You should say:
- When you got it
- How you got it
- How you found it was incorrect
- And how you felt about it
Part 3:
- What kind of professions are related to giving information to others?
- How about teacher and receptionist?
- Different between give info by phone and email?
- What is the effectest method to give information email or call?
- What you can do to check information?
Ngày 20.05.2023
Part 1:
- Work
- Small business
- Weekend
Part 2: Describe a time you visited a new place.
You should say:
- where the new place is
- when you went there
- why you went there
and explain how you feel about the place.
Part 3:
- Do old people and young people like to go to different places for vacation?
- What do old people and young people think about when making travel plans?
- How do people get to know about new places?
Ngày 19.05.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Small businesses
- Where you live
- Listening to music
Part 2: Describe a website that you often use.
You should say:
- what type of website it is
- how you found out about it
- what it allows you to do
and explain why you find it useful.
Tham khảo bà mẫu: Describe a website that you often use
Part 3:
- What effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other?
- How do you think communicating by email is different from communicating by text message?
- Why do you think the Internet is being used more and more for communication?
Ngày 18.05.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Space
- Hometown
- Small business
Part 2: Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax.
You should say:
- Where it is
- What it is like
- What you enjoy doing there
And explain why you feel relaxed at this place.
Part 3:
- Why is it difficult for some people to relax?
- What are the benefits of doing exercise?
- Do people in your country exercise after work?
- What is the place where people spend most of their time in their home?
Ngày 17.05.2023
Part 1:
- What kinds of music do you like?
- What artist do you want to go to their live concert?
- Do you often go to an art gallery?
- Do you like art in past or modern art?
Part 2: Describe something that you did with one or more people
You should say:
- What it was
- Who you did it with
- How long it took you to do this
And explain why you did it with one or more people.
Part 3:
- How people teach children to work with others?
- Running alone or playing football as a team, which is better?
- How a country can cooperate with other countries?
- Is it good for creating vaccine and sharing it over the world?
- People should sharing vaccine to other countries or they should compete?
Ngày 17.05.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Work and Study
- University
- Weekend
- Art
Part 2: Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you are familiar with
You should say:
- What it was
- When you heard it
- How you knew it
And explain how you felt about it.
Part 3:
- Is it good to share something on social media?
- Should the media only publish good news?
- How does social media help people access information?
Ngày 16.05.2023 – Tại BC UAC Đội Cấn
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Hometown
- Bags
Part 2: Describe a film/movie you would like to share with your friends
You should say:
- when and where you saw it;
- what it looked like;
- what special features it had;
and explain why you liked it.
Part 3:
- What are the differences of living in the city and living in the countryside?
- What are the disadvantages of living in the city?
- Can you compare cites in the past and present?
Ngày 15.05.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh (Computer-based)
Part 1:
- Work/Study
- Bags
Part 2: Describe an interesting job you would like to have.
You should say:
- what it is
- why you think this job is interesting
- what skills you will need to do this job
and explain why you want to have this job.
Part 3:
- Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than be employed by a company. What’s your opinion?
- What changes in employment have there been in recent years in your country?
- What are some of the important things a candidate should find out before accepting a job?
Ngày 14.05.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh (Computer-based)
Part 1:
- Your living
- Fixing things
- Weekend
Part 2: Describe an invention changed the people’s life
You should say:
- What is it?
- How has it changed people’s lives?
- What benefits did it bring?
Explain if it is more important for older or younger people?
Part 3:
- Which invention do you think is most useful at home?
- What can be done to help old people learn to make use of new technologies?
- How has technology made our life easier?
Ngày 14.05.2023
Part 1:
- Area where you live
- Friendly
- Are there all type of ages live in there
- Happiness
- Music
Part 2: Describe a character from a movie.
You should say:
- Who is this character?
- When did you watch the movie?
- What was the character?
Part 3:
- Is it interesting to be an actor/actress?
- What can children learn from acting?
- Why do children like special costumes?
- What are the differences between actors/actresses who earn much and those who earn little?
Ngày 13.05.2023 – Tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- Occasion/ Holidays
- Hobby
- Famlily
Part 2: Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information.
You should say:
- When you got it?
- How you got it?
- How you found it was incorrect?
And how you felt about it?
Part 3:
- What kind of professions are related to giving information to others?
- What is the difference between giving information by phone and email?
- How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?
- Do people trust the information online?
Ngày 12.05.2023 – Tại BC UAC
Part 1:
- The area where you live
- Fixing things
Part 2: Describe a book you have recently read
You should say:
- What kind of book it is
- What it is about
- What sort of people would enjoy it
And explain why you liked it.
Part 3:
- What kind of books do children like?
- What should parents do to encourage their children to read books?
- Why do adults still have to read books?
Ngày 11.05.2023
Part 1:
- Accommodation
- Jewelry
- Tourism
- Key
Part 2: Describe another city you would like to visit for a short time.
You should say:
- Where the city is
- Why you want to go there
- Whom you will go there with
- What you will do there
And explain why you would like to stay there for a short time.
Part 3:
- Why do people sometimes go to other cities or other countries for travel?
- Why are historical cities popular?
- Why do places with historical attractions develop tourism more actively?
- Why does living in tourist cities experience more noise?
Ngày 10.05.2023 – Tại IDP Triệu Việt Vương
Part 1:
- Ice-cream & Chocolate
- Accomodation
- Hobby
Part 2: Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g shopping mall, park,…)
You should say:
- What the development is
- When/where you noticed it
- How long it took to complete it
And explain how you feel about it
Part 3:
- What transportation do you use the most?
- Is public transportation popular in Vietnam?
- What can be improved in public transport services?
- What leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?
- Do you think young people in your country like to go to the cinema?
Ngày 10.05.2023 – Tại BC Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai
Part 1:
- Your living
- Woild animal
- Weekend
Part 2: Describe a time when you spend time with a child.
You should say:
- Who the child is
- How you know him/her
- Why you spent time with him/her
And explain what you did when you were together.
Part 3:
- Are sweets a good thing to reward children?
- Do parents in your country spend a lot of time with their children?
- Why do children tend to be happier than adults?
Ngày 09.05.2023- Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Hometown
- Keys
- Staying up late
Part 2: Describe a place you want to visit for a short time
You should say:
- Where the city is
- Why you want to go there
- Whom you will go there with
- What you will do there
And explain why you will stay there.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a place you want to visit for a short time
Part 3:
- Why do people sometimes go to other cities or other countries to travel?
- Why are historical cities popular?
- Why do places with historical sites develop tourism industry more actively?
- Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?
Ngày 08.05.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Do you work or are you student?
- Do you go to a good school?
- What changes would you like to see in your school?
Staying up late
- Do you often stay up late?
- What do you do when you stay up late?
- Did you often stay up late when you was a child?
- What sport do you like?
Part 2: Describe a Time When You Taught a Friend/Relative Something
You should say:
- Who you taught
- What/how you taught
- What the result was
And explain how you felt about the experience.
Part 3:
- What practical skills can young people teach old people?
- What skills can young people teach old people besides technology?
- How can young people teach old people skills?
- How can we know what to do when we want to learn something new?
Ngày 07.05.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Jobs
- Bags
Part 2: Describe a place you want to visit.
You should say:
- Where is it?
- Why do you want to visit it?
- What do you know about this city?
Part 3:
- Why do Vietnamese people like to travel abroad?
- How do people benefit from international travel?
- Would you travel around the world in the future? Why or why not?
Ngày 07.05.2023
Part 1:
- Ice-cream
- Clothes
Part 2: Describe something that you did with one or more people
You should say:
- What it was
- Who you did it with
- How long it took you to do this
And explain why you did it with one or more people
Part 3:
- What kinds of jobs need people to work in a team?
- How can you get along with your neighbors?
- What can parents do with their children to make them happy?
Ngày 06.05.2023 – Tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- Study major
- School
- T-shirt
- Jewelry
Part 2: Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire
You should say:
- Who this actor/actress is
- When you saw the film
- What the character was like in this film
And explain why you admire this actor/actress
Part 3:
- Is it interesting to be an actor/actress?
- What can children learn from acting?
- Why do children like special costumes?
- What are the differences between actors/actresses who earn much and those who earn little?
Ngày 05.05.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Hometown
- Chocolate
- Jewellery
Part 2: Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted
You should say:
- Who gave it to you?
- What was the thing?
- When you received it?
- Why you needed it?
- How you felt about it?
Part 3:
- What is the relationship between shopping and economy of your country?
- What are the things young people like to buy?
- How your friends influence your shopping choice?
- Is consumption important to a country?
Ngày 04.05.2023
Part 1:
- Study
- Teachers
- Area you live in
Part 2: Describe a store/shop that just opened in your area
You should say:
- Where the shop is
- What items it sells
- How often you go there
- Why you go there
Part 3:
- What type(s) of the shop would you recommend a visit to your country should go to? (Why?)
- In your country, how has shopping changed in the past few decades?
- Do you think people spend too much time (or money) on shopping? (Why?/Why not?)
Ngày 03.05.2023 – Tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
The area where you live in
- Where do you live?
- Is there place you are living right now suitable for a family with children?
- Do you like chocolate?
- Is chocolate popular in your country?
- Have you ever bought chocolate as a gift to someone?
- Do you like music?
- Do you enjoy the same type of music?
Part 2: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.
You should say:
- When did you get it?
- What did you get it for?
- How often do you use it?
- How do you feel about it?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use
Part 3:
- Why do big companies introduce new products so often?
- Why do many people find it difficult to use the latest technology?
Đề thi IELTS Speaking Tháng 04.2023
Ngày 29.04.2023
Part 1:
- Art
- Hobby
- A place where you live
Part 2: Describe an interesting old person you met
You should say:
- Who the person was
- How you met that person
- Where you met him or her
And explain why you find them interesting.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an interesting old person you met
Part 3:
- Do you think old people and young people can share interests?
- What can old people teach young people?
- What can young people teach the old?
Ngày 29.04.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Name
- Study or work.
Part 2: Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded
You should say:
- What it was
- How you did/completed it
- Why it was difficult
And how you felt about doing it
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded
Ngày 28.04.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Hometown
- Technology
Part 2: Describe a place that you recommend people to visit
You should say:
- Where it was
- How you felt when you were there
And explain why you would love to live there.
Part 3:
- If you had the chance to live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- What qualities make for a good place?
Ngày 27.04.2023
Part 1:
- Study
- T-Shirt
Part 2: Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy
You should say:
- What it is
- How often do you do it
- Is it easy to stick to that routine
And explain how you feel about it.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy
Part 3:
- What are the benefits of having a routine for kids at school?
- What routine do people have at home?
Ngày 26.04.2023 – Tại BC UAC Nguyễn Đình Chiểu
Part 1:
- Live area
- T-shirt
- Happiness
Part 2: Describe a situation/ time when you were late.
- You should say:
- when it was
- why you were late
- how you felt about being late
And explain how you managed the situation.
Part 3:
- What are some reasons people could be late for a schedule or a meeting in your country?
- In your opinion, what types of excuses do people use when they are late?
- Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans?
- Do you think planning is important for time management? [Why? Why not?]
Ngày 25.04.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- The area you live
- Hobby
- Jewelry
Part 2: Describe an achievement you are proud of
You should say:
- what you achieved
- when you achieved it
- what was difficult about achieving it.
Part 3:
- How do people in your country celebrate events? Do you think it’s different in other countries?
- Why is it important for sports fans to celebrate when their favorite team wins?
- Do people prefer winning when they’re in a team or when they’re on their own?
- How do young and old people celebrate their birthdays?
Ngày 24.04.2023
Part 1:
- Study
- Geography
Part 2: Describe a popular place for sports (e.g. a stadium) that you have been to
You should say:
- Where it is
- When you went there
- What you did there
And explain how you felt about this place
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a popular place for sports (e.g. a stadium) that you have been to
Part 3:
- Do young people like to do sports?
- What are the benefits of sports for children?
- Is it necessary to build public sports spaces?
- What do you think of companies donating sports venues for poor children?
Ngày 23.04.2023
Part 1:
- Name
- Housework
- Fashion
Part 2: Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- What kind of work or study he/she does
- What kind of clothes he/she wears
And explain why you think he/she dresses well.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably
Part 3:
- Do you think online shopping will replace in-store shopping in the future? Why?
- Why is fashion very important to some people?
- Are older people as fashionable as young people? Why?
Ngày 22.04.2023
Part 1:
- Hometown
- Disaster
Part 2: Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult to use
You should say:
- What it was
- How you did it
- What difficulty you had
- How you dealt with the difficulty
And explain how you feel about it
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult to use
Part 3:
- What technology do people currently use?
- Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?
- Why are people so keen on buying iPhones even though they haven’t changed much from one iPhone to the next?
- Why do technology companies keep upgrading their products?
- What changes has the development of technology brought about in our lives?
- Does the development of technology affect the way we study? How?
Ngày 21.04.2023 – Tại IDP
Part 1:
- Do you study or work?
- Do you like your school?
- What would you like to change at your school?
- What kinds of music do you like to listen to?
- Do you and your friend have the same taste in music?
- How often do you visit a library?
- Did you use a library when you were younger?
- How common is it for children to visit libraries in your country?
Part 2: Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy.
You should say:
- What it is
- How often do you do it
- Is it easy to stick to that routine
And explain how you feel about it.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy
Part 3:
- What routine do people usually have?
- Should children have learning routines?
- What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?
Ngày 21.04.2023 – Tại VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Techonoly
- The area you live in
Part 2: Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently
You should say:
- Where and when you went there
- What the activity was
- Whether you asked for help in the activity
And explain why you attended the activity
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently
Part 3:
- What outdoor activities are popular in Vietnam?
- Are those people who like dangerous activities more likely to be successful?
- Do you think it’s better for people to change jobs when there are new chances?
- Should young people try as many new activities as possible?
Ngày 19.04.2023 -Tại BC Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai
Part 1:
- The area where you live
- Snack
- Puzzle
Part 2: Describe an appointment you missed
You should say:
- What the appointment was for
- Who you made it with
- Why you forgot/missed it
And explain how you felt about the experience
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an appointment you missed
Part 3:
- How do people who are busy remember things they need to do?
- Do you think people should remember family history?
- If someone doesn’t really like whom they are going to meet, they may deliberately miss their appointment. Is that true? Why?
Ngày 18.04.2023
Part 1:
- Home
- Name
- Puzzle
Part 2: Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting
You should say:
- When you read it
- What the story or novel was about
- Who wrote it
And explain why it was interesting.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting
Part 3:
- How does technology help people tell stories?
- Which do you prefer to read? E-books or printed books?
- Why are mystery novels so popular nowadays?
- What kind of novels are suitable for a film adaptation?
Ngày 17.04.2023 – Tại IDP NEU
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Chocolate
Part 2: Describe an advertisement you don’t like
You should say:
- What type of advertisement it is
- What product or service it advertises
- Where and when you first saw it
And explain why you don’t like it.
Part 3:
- Which is more effective, print ads (magazines, newspapers) or online?
- How do advertisements convince people to buy things?
- Do you think there is more advertising nowadays compared to the past?
- Do all companies need to advertise to attract customers?
Ngày 17.04.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Transport
- Social media
- Living
Part 2: Describe a person who likes to grow plants.
You should say
- Who the person is and what he/she does?
- How you know this person
- What types of plants he/she grows
And why he/she grows plants.
Part 3:
- Are there many people growing their own vegetables now?
- Do you think it’s good to let kids learn how to plant?
- What do you think of the job of a farmer?
- What are the differences between traditional and modern agriculture?
Ngày 16.04.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Do you work or study
- Staying up late
- T-Shirts
- School
Part 2: Describe an unusual meal that you had.
You should say:
- When did you eat it?
- Where did you eat it?
- With whom you had the meal?
- Why do you think it was unusual?
Tham khảo bài giải mẫu: Describe an unusual meal that you had
Part 3:
- Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?
- Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?
Ngày 16.04.2023 – Tại BC UAC
Part 1:
Night routines
Part 2: Describe a historical moment you would like to learn more about
You should say:
- What you are interested in
- When it happened
- What you know about it
- And why you would like to learn more
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a historical moment you would like to learn more about
Part 3:
- Should everyone know history?
- In what ways can children learn history?
- What are the differences between learning history from books and from videos?
- Is it difficult to protect and preserve historic buildings?
Ngày 15.04.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Study or Work
- Outer space
- Travel
Part 2: Describe a place you would like to visit for a short time
You should say
- Where is that place
- Whom you will go there with
- What you will do there
And explain why you would like to visit for a short time
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a place you would like to visit for a short time
Part 3:
- Do people prefer planned travel?
- Why do places with historical attractions develop tourism more aggressively?
- Why do you think people usually travel?
- Why does living in tourist cities experience more noise?
Ngày 14.04.2023 – Tại BC UAC
Part 1:
- Study or Work
- School
- Hobby
Part 2: Describe an achievement/success you are proud of.
You should say:
- What you did?
- When did you do it?
- How did you feel about it?
- Why did that achievement make you proud?
Part 3:
- How to measure a person’s success?
- Do you think the way people gain success has changed?
- How do you define success?
- What qualities does a person need to have, to be successful?
Ngày 11.04.2023
Part 1:
- Place
- Living city
- Neighborhood
- Sport
- Key
Part 2: Describe a noisy place that you have been to
You should say:
- Do you usually go to a noisy place?
- Where it was?
- Why you went there?
- Why it was noisy?
And explain how you felt about being there.
Part 3:
- Why do children like to make noise?
- Is it good for people to express their happiness by making noise? Why?
- Who would be more severely affected by noise, the elderly or the young? Why?
- What can people do to reduce the effects of noise?
Ngày 10.04.2023 – Tại BC Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai
Part 1:
Work or study
- Love modern or traditional art
- Do you want to visit a art gallery
- Did you often make art when you were a child?
- Do you want to be an artist
- How do you think about happy
- What things make you happy when you a child
Part 2: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.
You should say:
- When did you get it?
- What did you get it for?
- How often do you use it?
- How do you feel about it?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use
Part 3:
- What do you do when you find difficult to use technology
- what kind of technology people use most
- do you think people find difficult to use technology device. Why?
- Why big technology companies change their products frequently?
Ngày 10.04.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Work
- Happy
- Healthy
Part 2: Describe a place where there was a lot of noise.
You should say:
- When this happened?
- Where it was?
- Why there was a lot of noise?
Explain what you did when you heard the noise?
Part 3:
- Do you like to live in a noisy place?
- Do you think that there is more noise in people’s lives today than in the past?
- Do you think it is important to be alone sometimes?
- Why do people like going to noisy places, like a restaurant or pubs, even though they know these places are noisy?
Ngày 09.04.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Neighborhood
- Friend
- Country
Part 2: Describe an interesting old person you have met
You should say:
- who this person is where did you meet with him
- what characteristics you most like on him
And explain why you think this person is interesting.
Tham khảo bài giải mẫu: Describe an interesting old person you have met
Part 3:
- Do you think old people and young people can share interest?
- Can old and young people share the same interests?
Ngày 08.04.2023 – Tại BC CMT8
Part 1:
- Living area
- Stay up late
- Space
Part 2: Describe a place you would like to visit for a short time
You should say:
- Where is that place
- Whom you will go there with
- What you will do there
And explain why you would like to visit for a short time.
Part 3:
- Do people prefer planned travel?
- Why do places with historical attractions develop tourism more aggressively?
- Why do you think people usually travel?
- Why does living in tourist cities experience more noise?
Ngày 07.04.2023
Part 1:
- House
- Neighbor
- Social Media
- Singing
Part 2: Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something
You should say:
- When it happened
- What you waited for
- Why you made the decision
And explain how you felt while waiting.
Tham khảo bài giải mẫu: Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something
Part 3:
- What do people in your country often do while waiting?
- Why do some people like a slow-paced life?
- Is being patient good for people? Why?
Ngày 06.04.2023 – Tại BC VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ – Computer-based
Part 1:
Typing and Writing by hand
Part 2: Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again
You should say:
- What type of movie it was?
- What it was about?
- Where you watched it?
And explain why you would like to watch it again
Tham khảo bài giải mẫu: Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again
Part 3:
- Where do people normally watch movies?
- What are the differences between watching movies at home and in a cinema?
- Are actors or actresses important to movies? Why?
Ngày 04.04.2023 – Tại IDP Đà Nẵng
Part 1:
- House
- Cooking
- Happy
Part 2: Describe a photo you took that you are proud of
You should say:
- When did you take this photo?
- What is the photo about?
- Why you feel proud of the photo?
Part 3:
- Why do some people like to record important things with photos?
- What can people learn from historical photographs?
- Is taking photos the best way to remember something?
- Which is better, taking photos or keeping a diary?
Ngày 03.04.2023 – Tại BC UAC HCM
Part 1:
- Work
- Social Media
- Snack
Part 2: Describe a friend from childhood who you remember very well
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- Where you met each other
- What you often did together
And explain what made you like him/her.
Tham khảo bài giải mẫu: Describe a friend from childhood who you remember very well
Part 3:
- Do you still keep in touch with your friends from childhood? Why or why not?
- How important is childhood friendship to children?
Ngày 02.04.2023
Part 1:
- Accommodation
- Library
- Sport
Part 2: Describe a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result.
You should say:
- When it happened?
- Who you complained it to?
- What you complained about And explain why you were happy with the result.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result
Part 3:
- What age are complaint more?
- What problems that people usually complaint?
- Complaint in talking or writing is better?
- Why businesses need complaints from customers?
Ngày 01.04.2023
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Changes in school
- T-shirt
- Space
Part 2: Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted
You should say:
- Who gave it to you?
- What was the thing?
- When you received it?
- Why you needed it?
And how you felt about it.
Part 3:
- What is the relationship between shopping and economy of your country?
- What are the things young people like to buy?
- How your friends influence your shopping choice? Is consumption important to a country?
Đề thi IELTS Speaking Tháng 03.2023
Ngày 22.03.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Accomodation
- Work
- Social media
Part 2: Describe a Friend from Your Childhood
You should say:
- Who he/she is?
- Where and how you met each other?
- What you often did together?
And explain what made you like him/her.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a Friend from Your Childhood
Part 3:
- Which a children can learn from their friends?
- Is it important to have a close friend?
- Why do friends from childhood tend not to talk with each other now?
Ngày 22.03.2023
Part 1:
- Study
- Art
- Music
Part 2: Describe Something You Would Like To Learn in The Future
You should say:
- What it is?
- How you would like to learn it?
- Where you would like to learn it?
- Why you would like to learn it?
And explain whether it’s difficult to learn it.
Part 3:
- What subjects are popular with young adults today?
- What’s best age for young people to make decision about their future studies?
- Why do some people prefer to study alone rather than in a group?
- What are the ways people can learn practical subjects, such as cooking?
Ngày 20.03.2023
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Arts
- Jewelry
Part 2: Describe a person you have met who you want to work or study with
You should say:
- Who this person is?
- How you met this person?
- How long you have known him/her?
And explain why you want to work/study with him/her.
Part 3:
- Why should children be kind to their classmates?
- Can children choose their deskmates?
- What matters most about a colleague’s personality?
- What kind of people are popular at work?
Ngày 19.03.2023
Part 1:
- Area where you live?
- Describe the area where you are living?
- So how long ago did you move to Hanoi?
- Any spare neighbors, nice?
- Do my neighbors have all age categories?
Và một số câu hỏi liên quan đến Stay up late, Small business.
Part 2: Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire.
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- What he/she looks like
- What kind of movies she/he appears in
And explain why you admire this person.
Part 3:
- Is being an actor interesting?
- Do you think being an actor would be boring?
- What is the difference between actors who earn little and a lot of money?
- Why don’t you think that actors make a lot of money because of their talent, so fame is better than talent?
- Acting in a theater different from being in a movie?
- Why do so many people watch movies so that they can immerse themselves in the movie for a short period of time to imagine all sorts of things?
- Do you think fantasy will make humans grow compared to other species?
Ngày 19.03.2023
Part 1: where you live, neighbors, housework, technology
Part 2: Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in a park, on the beach, etc.).
You should say:
- Where and when did you saw the plastic waste?
- Why was there a lot of plastic waste?
- What did you do after you saw it?
And explain what your thoughts were about this.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste
Part 3:
- How to reduce plastic use?
- What types of plastic are there?
- Why do people use it?
- Is there a way to minimize this?
Ngày 19.03.2023 – Tại BC Hà Nội
Part 1: school, library, chocolate.
Part 2: Describe a new development in the area where you live.
You should say:
- What the development is
- When/where you noticed it
- How long it took to complete it
And explain how you feel about it
Ngày 18.03.2023
Part 1: Home, the people there, sport.
Part 2: Describe your favorite subject in the future.
You should say:
- What is the subject?
- When did you start learning it?
- What did you learn?
Ngày 18.03.2023
Part 1: The area you live in, technology, singing.
Part 2: Describe your favorite movie.
You should say:
- What is it?
- What is the story of it?
- When you watch it?
And explain why this is your favorite movie.
Part 3:
- Where do people in your country watch movies?
- Why do people of different generations have different movie preferences?
- Will the growth of Netflix affect cinema?
- why people like to watch movies with original voice
- In a movie, is the plot or the actors more important?
Ngày 17.03.2023
Part 1: Hometown, public transportation, cooking, studying.
Part 2: Describe a time when you shared something with others.
You should say:
- What you shared
- Who you shared with
- Why you shared it
And explain how you felt about sharing it.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you shared something with others
Part 3:
- Why doesn’t the child want to share everything?
- How do parents teach their children to share?
- Transport sharing in your country?
- What can businesses promote for their employees to share transportation?
Ngày 14.03.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1: The area you are living in, Space, Jewelry.
Part 2: Describe a noisy place that you have visited.
You should say:
- Where it was
- Why you went there
- Why it was noisy
And explain how you felt about being there.
Ngày 13.03.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: Living accommodation, writing.
Part 2: Describe a person you know who dresses well.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- What kinds of clothes this person likes to wear
- How you know this person
And explain why you think this person dresses well.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a person you know who dresses well
Ngày 12.03.2023 – Tại IDP Computer-based
Part 1:
- Work/Study
- Snacks
- Names
Part 2: Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste.
You should say:
- Where and when did you see the plastic waste?
- Why was there a lot of plastic waste?
- What did you do after you saw it?
And explain what your thoughts were about this.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste
Part 3:
- What types of plastic waste are common in daily life?
- Why these types of plastic waste?
- Do you think the government should completely ban the use of plastic products?
- Why are there plastic products that people don’t recycle, but use them once and then throw them away?
- What are the effects of plastic products on the human living environment?
- What harm do plastic products do to marine creatures?
- Do you think humans are too careless before the survival of other creatures?
- Do you think the media should have campaigns to raise people’s awareness about environmental pollution?
- Why do you think the media does not focus on promoting environmental protection?
Ngày 12.03.2023 – Tại IDP TRIỆU VIỆT VƯƠNG
Part 1: area where you live, public transport, social media.
Part 2: Describe something difficult you would like to succeed in doing
You should say:
- What it is
- Why it is difficult
- How you would like to prepare for it
And explain why you would like to be successful in doing it
Ngày 12.03.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Public transport
- Technology
Part 2: Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/travelers.
You should say:
- What it is
- Where it is
- What people can do there
And explain why you would like to recommend it to visitors/travelers
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/travelers
Part 3:
- Do you often look for reviews before traveling?
- Are those reviews trustworthy?
- Why do we need to develop tourism?
Ngày 11.03.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1: Area where you live, Key, Jewelry.
Part 2: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.
You should say:
- When did you get it?
- What did you get it for?
- How often do you use it?
And explain how you feel about it.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use
Ngày 11.03.2023 tại IDP Hà Nội
Part 1: place,chocolate,outer space.
Part 2: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember.
You should say:
- When it happened
- Where the school is
- How you felt about the experience
And explain why you still remember the experience
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember
Ngày 10.03.2023 – Tại IDP Ngô Gia Tự
Part 1:
- Is the school good?
- What does the school need to change?
Part 2: Describe An Advertisement You Have Seen But You Didn’t Like.
You should say:
- Where and when you saw it
- What type of advertisement was for
- What you could see in the advertisement
And explain why you didn’t like the advertisement
Part 3:
- Companies pay too much attention to the marketing rather than the quality of the products?
- How are printed ads and ads on social media different? Which is more effective?
- Are ads made specifically for children good or bad?
Ngày 10.03.202023
Part 1: school, study, library, sports.
Part 2: Describe a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result.
You should say:
- When it happened
- Who you complained it to
- What you complained about
And explain why you were happy with the result
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result
Part 3:
- What is a customer or complaint about?
- Do the elderly or children complain more?
- How do companies react to complaints?
- Should the company refund or exchange for free for the complainant?
Ngày 09.03.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Living area
- Names
- Technology
Part 2: Describe a Friend from Your Childhood.
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- Where and how you met each other
- What you often did together
And explain what made you like him/her
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a Friend from Your Childhood
Part 3:
- Do you keep in touch with old friends?
- Why are so many people not contacting old friends now?
- How to keep friendships?
- Long-term friendship: how to maintain it?
- What factors determine long-term friendship?
- Do children hate their friends?
- How does technology affect friendship?
- Is there a negative effect?
- What is the impact of future technology on relationships?
Ngày 08.03.2023 – Tại BC VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part1 : study or work, handwriting, names
Part 2: Describe a sports stadium that’s important in your city.
You should say:
- Where it is
- How often you go there
- What people do there
- And explain why you think it is important
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a sports stadium that’s important in your city
Part 3:
- Sports good for young people?
- Which sport is not suitable for the elderly? For example?
- Is the local sports team good for that community?
- Successful athletes good role models?
Ngày 07.03.2023 – Tại BC
Part 1: study, art, music.
Part 2: Describe a place you would like to visit for a short time.
You should say:
- Where is that place
- Whom you will go there with
- What you will do there
And explain why you would like to visit for a short time.
Part 3:
- Will people usually choose the city beach or the mountain?
- If a city develops in terms of tourism, what are the disadvantages?
- Do you think the best way to know more about a city is to go around it?
- Why do people often choose historic cities?
- Why do people often go to the capital when going somewhere?
Ngày 05.03.2023
Part 1:
- Study
- Name
- Snacks
Part 2: Describe a time when you receive something for free.
You should say:
- What it was
- Who you received it from
- Where you received it
And how you felt about it
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you receive something for free.
Part 3:
- At what age do children know money?
- Is it good or bad for children to keep money early?
- Why do people prefer to use cash and not credit cards?
- Should cash be replaced with credit cards?
Ngày 05.03.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh (COMPUTER- BASED)
Part 1:
Puzzle & birthday
- What do you usually do on your birthday?
- What did you do on your birthday when you were young?
- Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?
- Did you do puzzles in your childhood?
- Do you like doing word puzzles or number puzzles? Which is more difficult for you?
- When do you do puzzles, during your trip or when you feel bored?
- Do you think it is good for old people to do puzzles?
Part 2: Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (e.g. vegetables/fruits/flowers etc.)
You should say:
- Who this person is
- What he/she grows
- Where he/she grows them
And explain why he/she enjoys growing plants
Part 3:
- What do you think of the job as a farmer?
- Are there many people growing their own vegetables now?
- Do you think it’s good to let kids learn how to plant?
- What are the differences between traditional and modern agriculture?
Ngày 04.03.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ (COMPUTER BASED)
Part 1: Neighborhood, Art, Chocolate.
Part 2: Describe a time when you missed an appointment.
You should say:
- When it was?
- Who you made it with?
- Why you missed it?
And explain how you felt about it.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you missed an appointment
Part 3:
- Do you miss your appointment?
- Why do people miss appointments?
- Besides setting an alarm, what can be done to always remember the appointment?
Ngày 04.03.2023 – Tại BC Hà Nội
Part 1: School, Library và Sport.
Part 2: Describe a time when you missed or were late for a meeting.
You should say:
- When it was
- Who you made it with
- Why you missed it
- And how you felt about it
Part 3:
- Are you ever late for anything?
- What excuses do you use when you are late?
- What excuses do people have when they are late?
- Are you good at organizing time?
- How do you usually organize time?
Ngày 04.03.2023 – Tại IDP Đà Nẵng
Part 1:
- Accommodation
- Outer spaces
- Stay up late
Part 2: Describe a person you met at a party and enjoyed a conversation with.
You should say:
- Who was the person?
- What topics did you discuss?
- How did you feel?
Part 3:
- When do we have to talk with strangers?
- Difficulties when we have to talk with strangers?
- Difference between talking to strangers and friends
Do you think it is true that we have to care about it? - Difficulties adults have to deal with when talking to children?
Ngày 04.03.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh Ba Đình
Part 1: Hometown, space, jewelry
- Where do you live
- Do you like sci-fiction film
- What type of jewelry do you like
- Jewelry you bought lately
Part 2: Describe a thing in your hometown which has improved life.
You should say:
- What is that change?
- How does this change help your hometown improve life?
And do you like this change?
Part 3:
- How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?
- Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?
- Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?
Ngày 03.03.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1: Writing, name.
Part 2: Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting.
You should say:
- When you read it
- What the story or novel was about
- Who wrote it
And explain why it was interesting
Part 3:
- How does technology help people tell stories?
- Which do you prefer to read? E-books or printed books?
Why are mystery novels so popular nowadays? - What kind of novels are suitable for a film adaptation?
Ngày 03.03.2023 – Tại IDP KHÚC THỪA DỤ
Part 1: Study, Snacks, Morning
Part 2: Describe a Friend from Your Childhood.
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- Where and how you met each other
- What you often did together
And explain what made you like him/her
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a Friend from Your Childhood
Part 3:
- What did you learn from your childhood friend?
- Why can’t that friendship last?
- Is the Internet the reason you can’t maintain friendships?
- What is the value of having a best friend, what about someone without a best friend?
- What does it take to maintain a lasting friendship?
Ngày 02.03.2023
Part 1:
- Where do you live
- Puzzle
Part 2: Describe a person who likes to grow plants.
You should say:
- Who the person is?
- How do you know the person?
- What types of plants does he/she grow?
- Why does he/she grow plants?
Part 3:
- What plants do people in your country usually grow?
- Is it difficult to plant trees in the city?
- Can I plant trees on the balcony?
- What are the benefits of children learning to plant trees?
- Who should teach children to plant trees?
- Is it good to work in agriculture?
Đề thi IELTS Speaking Tháng 02.2023
Ngày 26.02.2023 – Tại BC Huế
Part 1: Study, Puzzle, Social Media
- Learn what? Where? What major? Do you have to study hard? What about outside of school hours?
- Did you play puzzles when you were young, what kind of games are good, do you like word or number puzzles, should old people play?
- Do you use social media a lot? Should I have a lot of friends there?
Part 2: Describe a friend from your childhood.
You should say:
- How you met this friend
- How long you were friends & what you did together
- What made you like him/ her
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a friend from your childhood
Part 3: Teenager/ Social Media
- Children today use a lot of electronic devices to use social media well or not?
- Why should only have a few close friends?
- Children have friends, what do they help them with?
- Do children talk to their parents or friends a lot?
Ngày 25.02.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1: Study, Chocolate, Music.
- Do you work or study?
- Do you enjoy studying in your school?
- Do you think it’s a good place to study?
- If there was an opportunity to transfer schools, would you transfer?
- Do you often eat chocolate?
- Did you eat when you were a kid?
- Why is chocolate famous all over the world?
- Have you ever given chocolate to anyone?
- What music do you listen to when you’re alone?
- Is your music taste similar to your friends?
- If you had a chance to meet a singer, who would it be?
Part 2: Describe a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result.
You should say:
- When it happened
- Who you complained it to
- What you complained about
And explain why you were happy with the result
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result
Part 3:
- In Vietnam, what do people usually complain about?
- Young people and old people, who often complain more? Why?
- Do you think there is a difference in the complaints of young people today and in the past?
- What benefits does the company get from listening to customer complaints?
- Should the company give discounts to customers after they complain? Why?
Ngày 24.02.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Accommodation
- Library
- Sport
Part 2: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.
You should say:
- When did you get it?
- What did you get it for?
- How often do you use it?
- How do you feel about it?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use
Ngày 23.02.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ (computer-based VTED)
Part 1:
- Describe the place where you live
- What do you like most in where you live
- Do you know the people living around where you live
- Did you like writing when you were a child? Why/Why not?
- What kinds of things do you write during a typical day? Why/Why not?
- Do you think the kinds of things you write will change in the future? Why/Why not?
- Do you prefer typing or writing things by hand? Why?
- Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
- Do you get in the habit of checking the weather forecast?
- Do you want to live in a different climate?
Part 2: Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment.
You should say:
- What the appointment was for
- Who you made it with
- Why you forgot it
And explain how you felt about the experience
Part 3:
- How do people who are busy remember things they need to do?
- Do you think people should remember family history?
- What do you think of people using calendars to remind themselves of things?
Ngày 22.02.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng (HCM)
Part 1:
Where you live
Social media
- Do you usually use?
- Do you think your friend uses too much?
- What are the differences between using social media in the past and present?
- What kind of technology do you use?
- Do you want to buy any technology?
- Do you need anything technology?
Part 2: Describe someone who likes to dress well.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- What kinds of clothes this person likes to wear
- How you know this person
And explain why you think this person dresses well.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe someone who likes to dress well
Part 3:
- Differences between shopping online and traditional
- Will shopping online replace traditional store
- Who is more fashionable: the older or the younger? Why?
- Is it important to be fashionable?
- Why do some people like to dress fashionable? Why the others?
Ngày 20.02.2023
Part 1: Happy, Chocolate, Living areas
Part 2: Describe an advertisement that you don’t like.
You should say:
- When did you see it?
- What is it about?
- Where you saw it/how you came to know about it?
- Why didn’t you like it?
Part 3:
- What about other methods of advertising?
- Which is more effective, print ads (magazines, newspapers) or TV ads?
Ngày 20.02.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Are you working or studying?
- What do you like about it?
- Is it a good place for study?
- Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars?
- Do you like watching sci-fi movies?
- Do you like chocolate?
- When do you eat chocolate?
Part 2: Describe a room you lived in when you were a child.
You should say:
- What it looked like
- What was in it
- What you did in the roam
Explain what you liked about the room.
Part 3:
- Why do you regard it as your favorite?
- What changes do you want to make in it?
Ngày 19.02.2023 – Tại VTED KHÚC THỪA DỤ
Part 1:
- Study
- Stay up late
- Library
Part 2: Describe a person you like to work/study with.
You should say:
- Who is he/she
- When you work/ study together
- What do you often do together
And explain why you like to work with him/her.
Part 3:
- Why would you like to study with him/her?
- What will you study?
Ngày 18.02.2023 – Tại BC Trần Quang Khải
Part 1:
Work or student
- What are you studying
Hand writing
- Did you like writing when you were a child
- What kind of things do you write during a typical day
- Do you think the kinds of things you write will change in the future
- Do you prefer typing or writing things by hand
Home and cooking
- Did you do some house cleaning when you were young
- Do you do some cooking/ help your family cook at home now
Part 2: Describe an English lesson you enjoyed.
You should say:
- What it was about
- When you had it
- What the teacher did
And explain why you enjoyed the lesson.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an English lesson you enjoyed
Part 3:
- Why are some kids better at English than others?
- What human qualities do you think would make a good teacher?
Ngày 16.02.2023 – Tại BC (Computer-based)
Part 1:
- About yourself
- Hometown
- Work/Job
- Travel
Part 2: Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/travelers.
You should say:
- What it is
- Where it is
- What people can do there
And explain why you would like to recommend it to visitors/travelers
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/travelers
Part 3:
- Do you often look for reviews before traveling?
- Are those reviews trustworthy?
- Why do we need to develop tourism?
Ngày 15.02.2023 – Tại BC Quận 1
Part 1:
- Workplace
- Arts
- Stars and Space
Part 2: Describe a person who you enjoyed talking to at a party.
You should say:
- Who is this person?
- How did you know him/her?
- What do you usually talk about?
And explain why you want to talk to this person?
Part 3:
- In which situations do people meet new people?
- What do people talk about when they
- Why do they usually talk about these topics?
- Do you think people really listen to other people?
- Do people agree when debating important subjects like humanity?
Ngày 15.02.2023 – Tại VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Work place
- Weekend
- Like
Part 2: Describe Something You Had to Share with Others.
You should say:
- What it was
- Who you shared it with
- Why you had to share it with others
And explain how you felt about it
Part 3:
- What do youngsters buy? Why?
- Friends affect your shopping?
- Why do people usually buy things that they don’t use?
- Shopping affect the country?
- Benefits of ads?
Ngày 14.02.2023 – Tại IDP Triệu Việt Vương
Part 1:
- Study
- Outer space and stars
- Small business
Part 2: Describe a time when someone gives you a gift that you really want.
You should say:
- What it is
- How you got it
- What you did
And explain how you felt about it
Part 3:
- Why do we like receiving gifts?
- Can we sometimes hate a gift?
Ngày 12.02.2023 – Tại BC Hải Phòng
Part 1:
- Work/ Study
- Small Business
- Social media
Part 2: Describe a website you use regularly.
You should say:
- What type of website it is
- How you found out about it
- What it allows you to do
And why you find it useful.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a website you use regularly
Part 3:
- What effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other?
- How do you think communicating by email is different from communicating by text message?
- Why do you think the Internet is being used more and more for communication?
Ngày 11.02.2023 – Tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Hometown
- Music
- Clothes
Part 2: Describe your friend who you enjoyed working and studying.
You should say:
- Who this person is.
- What this person does.
- How long you have known him/her.
And explain why you want to study/work with this person.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe your friend who you enjoyed working and studying
Part 3:
- What kinds of co-workers do people like to work with?
- Which one is more important to you at work, development in work-related skills or recognition from your supervisors?
- Do you think managers should be friends with their subordinates?
Ngày 11.02.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1: Study, writing, snacks.
Part 2: Describe a Place where you go to do Outdoor Activities or Play a Sport
You should say:
- Where is it located?
- What activities can you do at this place?
- How often do you go there?
And why do you like this place?
Part 3: outdoor activities và new experience.
Ngày 11.02.2023 – Tại UAC
Part 1:
- Work or student
- Morning
Part 2: Describe a problem you had when buying something online or store.
You should say:
- When it happened
- What you bought
- What problem you had
And explain how you felt about the experience.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a problem you had when buying something online or store
Part 3: Shopping Online
- What kind of customer service do you think is good?
- What are the differences between shopping online and in-store?
- What problems do customers often have while shopping?
- What do you think customers should do when there are problems with products bought online?
Ngày 11.02.2023 – Tại IDP Triệu Việt Vương
Part 1: school, study, art.
Part 2: Describe a period of history that you want to learn more about.
You should say:
- What period do you want to know about?
- Why do you want to know about it?
- How do you think you can know about it?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a period of history that you want to learn more about
Part 3: History
- What period do you want to know about?
- Why do you want to know about it?
- How do you think you can know about it?
Ngày 09.02.2023 – Tại BC (computer-based)
Part 1:
- Your place
- Music
- Staying up late
Part 2: Describe a noisy place that you have visited.
You should say:
- Where it was
- Why you went there
- Why it was noisy
And explain how you felt about being there.
Part 3:
- Why do you think some people like noisy places?
- What harms does noise pollution bring? How to reduce the harm of noise?
- Would you like to work in a noisy place? (Why?/Why not?)
- How might the level of urban noise be reduced?
Ngày 08.02.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1: School
Part 2: Describe some good news that you have heard recently.
You should say:
- When you heard about it
- What it was about
- How you heard this good news
And explain how you felt after knowing it.
Part 3: Local businesses.
Ngày 05.02.2023
Part 1:
- Hometown
- Work and study
- Birthday
- Snacks
Part 2: Describe a time that you forgot an appointment
You should say:
- When it was?
- Why you missed it And how you felt about it.
- Who you made it with?
Part 3:
- How do people memorize?
- Do you think it is important to have a work-life balance?
Ngày 04.02.2023 – Tại BC Trần Quang Khải
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Small business
Part 2: Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use
You should say:
- When did you get it?
- What did you get it for?
- How often do you use it?
- How do you feel about it?
Part 3:
- Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?
- Why do many people find it difficult to use the latest technology?
Ngày 03.02.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Accommodation
- Social media
- Snack
Part 2: Describe a childhood friend
You should say:
- Who this person is?
- How did you become friends with this person?
- What kinds of things do you like to do with this person?
- Explain why you like him/her.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a childhood friend
Part 3:
- Close friend
Ngày 01.02.2023 – Tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- School
- Key
- Staying up
Part 2: Describe an interesting old person
You should say:
- Who the person was?
- How you met that person?
- Where you met him or her?
- And explain why you find them interesting.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an interesting old person
Part 3:
- Do you think old people and young people can share interests?
- What can old pp teach young pp? What can young people teach old people?
- How can we get to know people from different cultures better?
Đề thi IELTS Speaking Tháng 01.2023
Ngày 28.01.2023 – Tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Happiness
- School
Part 2: Describe an old person you admire.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- How long you have known him/ her
- What qualities he/she has
And explain why you admire him/ her so much.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a person you admire
Part 3:
- What do the old and the young learn from each other?
- Do you agree that humans are becoming selfish these days?
Ngày 28.01.2023 – Tại IDP Korea
Part 1:
- Small business
- T-shirt
Part 2: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.
You should say:
- When did you get it?
- What did you get it for?
- How often do you use it?
- How do you feel about it?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.
Part 3:
- Do you find it difficult to use the latest technology?
- How will older people use technology?
Ngày 28.01.2023 – Tại IDP Ba Đình
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Neighbors
Part 2: Describe an activity you like doing.
You should say:
- What activity it is
- Who you do it with
- How you do it and how often
And explain why you enjoy doing this activity
Part 3:
- What types of leisure activities are popular in your country?
- Do men and women enjoy the same leisure activities?
- Why is it important for people to have time for leisure activities?
Ngày 27.01.2023 – Tại IDP Đà Nẵng
Part 1:
- Study
- Birthday
- Social media
Part 2: Describe a photo that you are proud of.
You should say:
- Who/What did you take a photo of?
- When did you take this photo?
- What is the photo about?
- Why do you feel proud of the photo?
Part 3:
- What are the disadvantages of posting photos online?
- Why do people like taking pictures?
Ngày 16.01.2023 – Tại IDP Triệu Việt Vương
Part 1:
- Work or study
- Puzzle
Part 2: Describe a part of your country that you find interesting.
You should say:
- Where it is
- How you got to know about it
- What is it famous for?
- Explain why you think it is interesting
Part 3:
- What do tourists usually do?
- What do you usually post on social media?
- Does posting on social media show a good travel experience in that country?
- How does their review affect?
- How do they make sure the country they’re visiting is interesting or good?
- What should we do to get more tourists?
Ngày 19.01.2023 – tại IDP Đà Nẵng
Part 1: School, staying up late, music.
Part 2: Describe a period of history that you want to learn more about.
You should say:
- What the historical period is
- How you know it
- What happened during that period
- And say why you find it interesting
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a period of history that you want to learn more about
Ngày 19.01.2023 – tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Accommodation
- Puzzle
- Birthday
Part 2: Describe a person who loves to grow plants.
You should say:
- Who the person is?
- How do you know the person?
- What types of plants does he/she grow?
- Why does he/she grow plants?
Ngày 18.01.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Where do you live?
- Do you like the area that you live in?
- Do you know many people in your area?
- Technology
- Do you often use technology?
- Are there any technologies you want to buy?
- What made you buy the piece of technology that you lastly bought?
Morning time
- Do you like getting up early in the morning?
Part 2: Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/travelers.
You should say:
- What it is
- Where it is
- What people can do there
- And explain why you would like to recommend it to visitors/travelers
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/travelers
Part 3:
- Do you often read reviews on the Internet before visiting a location?
- Can we trust all of those reviews?
- Should we introduce visitors to all parts of our country?
- Has the government done enough to protect the environment of tourist attractions?
Ngày 17.01.2023 – tại IDP Triệu Việt Vương
Part 1:
- Study
- Technology
- Cooking
Part 2: Describe a person you know from another culture.
You should say:
- Who he/she is?
- Where is he/she from?
- How did you know him/her?
- And explain how you feel about him/her.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a person you know from another culture
Ngày 14.01.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- The area you live in
- Children
- Outer space and stars
Part 2: Describe an actor or actress whom you admire.
You should say:
- who he/she is
- what he/she looks like
- what kind of movies he/she appears in
- and explain why you admire this actor/actress.
Part 3:
- Do you want to become/join the profession of an actor?
- Why is there a difference between the actors’ salaries?
- Why are many young actors (newbies) paid higher salaries than older actors?
- Why do children like to wear the costumes of the characters in the movie (fancy dress)?
- What are the benefits of children participating in plays/acting?
Ngày 13.01.2023
Part 1: Job, exercising equipment, T-shirt.
Part 2: Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g shopping mall, park,…)
You should say:
- What the development is
- When/where you noticed it
- How long it took to complete it
- And explain how you feel about it
Ngày 13.01.2023 – tại VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Where do you live?
- Chocolat
- Music
Part 2: Describe a piece of good news you heard from others.
You should say:
- What it was?
- When did you receive this news?
- How did you receive this news?
- Why do you feel it was good news?
Part 3:
- In your country what does goodnews usually revolve around?
- Why do some people don’t like showing off good news?
- What do you think about people playing down your success?
- Is there a lot of good news on social media? Usually what news?
- What good news do people in a community usually celebrate?
- How did you celebrate the good news?
Ngày 12.01.2023 – tại BC Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
- Do you often travel on public transport ? Why
- Did you use public transport when you were a child? Why
- Do many ppl use public transport in your country? Why
- Will you use public transport more in the future ? Why
- Do you like to use social media?
- Do you think your friends use too much social media ?
- Do you want to work in social media?
Part 2: Describe a photo that you are proud of.
You should say:
- Who/What did you take a photo of?
- When did you take this photo?
- What is the photo about?
- Why do you feel proud of the photo?
Ngày 12.01.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng (thi máy tính)
Part 1:
- Home
- Neighbor
- Technology
- Name
Part 2: Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded.
You should say:
- What it was?
- How did you complete it?
- Why was it difficult?
- And how did you feel about doing it?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded
Ngày 11.01.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà trưng
Part 1:
- Accommodation
- Library
- Art
Part 2: Describe a piece of good news you heard from others.
You should say:
- What it was?
- When did you receive this news?
- How did you receive this news?
- Why do you feel it was good news?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a piece of good news you heard from others
Part 3:
- Which news is positive?
- What news is usually updated regularly?
- news on social media, is it negative?
Ngày 11.01.2023 – tại IDP Đà Nẵng
Part 1:
- What is your name?
- Where do you live? when?
- Do you wear t-shirts?
- Do you like t-shirts with pictures?
- Are the people there friendly?
Part 2: Describe a historical period you would like to know more about.
You should say:
- What period do you want to know about?
- Why do you want to know about it?
- How do you think you can know about it?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a historical period you would like to know more about
Part 3:
- What is the difference between reading books and watching historical movies?
- Why are some people not interested in studying history?
- How to preserve history?
- Who is responsible for the preservation of history?
Ngày 09.01.2023 – tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Work or study ?
- Do you often bring keys when going out?
- Have you ever forgotten your keys?
- Ever lost it?
- Is it necessary to carry a key to hang more labor?
Part 2: Describe a historical event.
You should say:
- When the event took place
- How you learnt about this era
- What happened
- Why you find it interesting
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a historical event
Part 3:
- What is the most popular way to learn history in Vietnam? Is it effective?
- What about other methods?
- Learning history through movies or books?
- Is it possible to change the content of learning through film?
- Why preserve historical buildings?
- Who will pay for that conservation because it is so expensive?
- Have you ever been to a museum?
- Do you like modern style or traditional style? Why choose?
Ngày 08.01.2023 – tại IDP Ngọc Khánh (máy tính)
Part 1:
- Area you live
- Small businesses
- Chocolate
Part 2: Describe an old person who is interesting.
You should say:
- Who she is
- What she looks like
- How often you see her
- And explain why you think that person is interesting.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an old person who is interesting
Part 3:
- What do the old teach the young?
- Do they share any interests?
- Do the young teach the old?
Ngày 08.01.2023 – tại IDP Đà Nẵng (máy tính)
Part 1:
- Living
- Morning
- Snacks
- Routine
Part 2: Describe an object you find particularly beautiful.
You should say:
- Where is the artwork/object?
- How it was made?
- What it looks like?
- And explain why you find it particularly beautiful.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an object you find particularly beautiful
Part 3:
- What is beauty for you?
- Do you think the media influences our idea of beauty?
- Do you think advertisements’ portrayal of beauty is correct?
Ngày 07.01.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
- Where do you live?
- How long have you been here?
- Are there many people of different age groups where you live?
- Are the people where you live friendly?
- Do you often go to the library?
- Do children often go to the library?
- How often do children go to the library?
- What can children do in the library?
- What makes you happy?
- An object that makes you happy? Why?
Part 2: Describe a time when someone gave you something that you were really interested in.
You should say:
- Who gave it to you
- What the occasion was
- How you felt
- And explain what you did with that gift
Part 3:
- What do middle school students usually spend money on? Why?
- Is shopping popular in your country?
- How do people usually feel when they get what they want?
- Why do so many people buy unnecessary things?
- Are buying unnecessary things more and more nowadays? Why?
- When a person is shopping, does the opinion of the accompanying person influence the buyer?
- Big impact? How big?
- Does shopping have a lot of influence on the country’s economy today? How does it affect?
- Is advertising a necessity in today’s economic market?
- Does the appearance of too many ads have any effect?
Ngày 07.01.2023 – tại BC Trần Quang Khải
Part 1: Area, jewelry.
Part 2: Describe a time when you received good news.
You should say:
- What was it about?
- Who told you the news?
- When did you know it?
- How did you feel about it?
- Why do you think it was good?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you received good news
Part 3:
- Is it important to read the news?
- What kind of news do people in your country like to read?
- Are young people and old people interested in the same kind of news?
- Is it important to keep reading up to date news?
- How do people in your country get news?
Ngày 07.01.2023 – tại IDP Triệu Việt Vương
Part 1:
- What is your full name?
- What should I call you?
- Where are you living?
- How do you feel about it?
- How beautiful is your bad handwriting?
- Do you prefer handwritten or typed?
- What have you been writing lately?
Part 2: Describe a time when you missed an appointment (doctor).
You should say:
- When it was
- Who you made it with
- Why you missed it
- And how you felt about it
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you missed an appointment
Part 3:
- How do people memorize?
- Is it necessary to ask someone else to remind me to remember?
- Why do some people like to remember family history?
- How do they find that information?
- Does family history help them?
Ngày 07.01.2023
Part 1:
- Do you study or work?
- Do you want to change anything at the school you are attending?
- What changes and why?
Part 2: Describe a place in the house where you can relax.
You should say:
- Where it is?
- What it is like?
- How often do you go there?
- and how do you feel about this place?
Part 3:
- How do Vietnamese people usually relax?
- Why relax and explain?
- What is the difference between the relaxed mind part and body part?
- How do young and old people relax differently?
Ngày 06.01.2023 – tại Khúc Thừa Dụ (thi máy tính)
Part 1: Hometown, geography.
Part 2: Describe a time when you received money as a gift.
You should say:
- When did you receive it?
- What did you do with it?
- How did you feel about it?
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a time when you received money as a gift
Part 3:
- Why do people rarely use cash now?
- When do children begin to comprehend the value of money?
- Should parents reward children with money?
- Is it good and necessary to teach children to save money?
Ngày 06.01.2023 – tại IDP Triệu Việt Vương
Part 1:
- Study
- Chocolate
- Weekend
- Family
Part 2: Describe an old person who is interesting.
You should say:
- Who she is
- What she looks like
- How often you see her
- And explain why you think that person is interesting.
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an old person who is interesting
Part 3:
- What should old people teach young people?
- What should young people teach the elderly?
- What is the object that the age groups often talk to each other about?
- People are following more personal trends, what do you think?
Ngày 06.01.2023 – tại IDP Hai Bà Trưng
Part 1:
Your school, changes in your school
- Do you work or study?
- What is your major?
- What is your school?
- Do you think your school is good for every student?
- What changes do you want to make in your school?
Outer space and stars
- Do you learn about outer space and arts at school?
- Do you enjoy watching films about outer space and stars?
- Do you want to study outer space and stars?
- Do you want to travel to outer space and stars?
Arts, Drawing
- What are the differences between old and modern arts?
- Do you like drawing? Why?
- Do you want to visit an art gallery or museum?
- Do you want to be an artist?
Part 2: Describe a person you would like to study or work with.
You should say:
- Who this person is
- What this person does
- How long you have known him/her
- And explain why you want to study/ work with this person.
Part 3:
- What are the characteristics that good co-workers need?
- What benefits if you are surrounded by good co-workers?
- What would happen if the co-workers are not good?
- Are there values if managers build good relationships with the workers who work underneath them?
- Is it good for workers if the company applies sports facilities for them?
Ngày 05.01.2023 – tại IDP Đà Nẵng
Part 1:
- Work/study
- Social media
- Singing
Part 2: Describe a Place where you go to do outdoor activities or play a sport.
You should say:
- Where is it located?
- What activities can you do at this place?
- How often do you go there?
- And why do you like this place?
Part 3:
- What are the advantages of having a lot of experience?
- Should children be encouraged to experience a lot?
- People with more experience are more successful, right?
Ngày 04.01.2023 – tại IDP Ngọc Khánh
Part 1:
- Accomodation
- Public transportation
- Social media
Part 2: Describe an object that you think is beautiful.
You should say:
- What it was
- How you overcame the difficulties
- Whether you got help
And explain how you felt after you succeeded
Part 3:
- Where is the most popular natural scene?
- Why do people like to go there? Don’t like to come? What is the harm if people go to places of natural beauty too much?
Ngày 03.01.2023 – tại Hai Bà Trưng (Computer)
Part 1:
- Where are you living now?
- What do you like about your hometown?
- Do you know your neighbor?
- Did you play puzzles when you were a child?
- What do you like more: word puzzle or number puzzle?
- What is the benefit of puzzles?
- What is the meaning of your name?
- Is there anyone in your family that has the same name as you?
- What will you name your child?
Part 2: Describe a Person You Know Who is From a Different Culture.
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- Where he/she is from
- How you knew him/her
And explain how you feel about him/her
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe a person you know who is from a different culture
Part 3:
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity?
- Where and how can we get to know people of different cultures better?
- Do you usually meet foreigners in your country?
- What is the difference between meeting foreigners now and in the past?
Ngày 03.01.2023 – tại VTED Khúc Thừa Dụ
Part 1:
The area you live in
- Where do you live?
- Do you like the area that you live in?
- Do you know any of your neighbors?
- What do you like to write?
- Do you prefer handwriting or typing on the computer?
- When you were young, did you like to write?
- Do you think the things you write would change?
- Do you like getting up early in the morning?
- Do you have breakfast at home every day? Why?
- What did you do in the morning when you were little? Why?
- Do you spend your mornings doing the same things on both weekends and weekdays?
Part 2: Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed.
You should say:
- What it was about
- When you had it
- What the teacher did
- And why you enjoyed the lesson
Tham khảo bài mẫu: Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed
Part 3:
- Why do people learn foreign languages?
- Why are some people able to learn languages easily?
- Grammar or vocabulary, which is more important when learning foreign languages?
- What makes a good foreign language teacher?
Ngày 02.01.2023 – tại IDP Ngọc Khánh (Computer)
Part 1: Snacks
- What snacks do you like to eat?
- Did you often eat snacks when you were young?
- When do you usually eat snacks?
- Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks?
- Do you do housework at home?
- Did you do housework when you were a child?
- What kinds of household chores do you dislike doing?
Part 2: Describe a thing you bought and you are happy about.
You should say:
- Explain why you bought it?
- Why you selected this product?
- From where you purchased it?
And explain why are you so happy about it?
Part 3:
- Did you tell anyone after buying it?
- What are your thoughts?
- What is the product, which is consumed most in your country? Why?
- Is increasing consumerism a good trend?
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Ưu đãi học phí lên đến 40%
Chào mừng ngày 8-3
2. Cập nhật xu hướng ra đề thi IELTS Speaking năm 2023
Để có thể chuẩn bị tốt hơn cho lần thi IELTS Speaking sắp tới IELTS CITY xin chia sẻ đến các bạn bộ Forecast IELTS Speaking 2023 tại phía sau sau:
- Forecast IELTS Speaking quý 1 2023
- Forecast IELTS Speaking quý 2 2023
- Forecast IELTS Speaking quý 3 2023
💡 TIPS: Ngoài việc luyện đề, các bạn cũng đừng quên luyện và nắm chắc các quy tắc phát âm trong tiếng Anh để chiếm trọn điểm trong 4 tiêu chí chấm IELTS Speaking nhé!
Mong rằng với tổng hợp đề thi IELTS Speaking 2023 mới nhất phía trên sẽ giúp các bạn có thể chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho hành trình chinh phục IELTS Speaking trong năm 2023. Chúc các bạn thành công!
Nếu các bạn đang tìm kiếm khóa học luyện thi IELTS uy tín tại TPHCM, tham khảo ngay các Khóa học IELTS cam kết đầu ra tại IELTS CITY.